Common questions

What is the rarest medal?

What is the rarest medal?

The Victoria Cross

How do you get a Korean service medal?

To qualify for the KDSM, a service member must have served at least thirty consecutive days in the South Korean theater. The medal is also granted for 60 non-consecutive days of service, which includes reservists on annual training in South Korea.

Who qualifies for Vietnam service medal?

The Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) is awarded to any service member who served on temporary duty for more than 30 consecutive days, or 60 non-consecutive days, attached to or regularly serving for one, or more, days with an organization participating in or directly supporting ground (military) operations or attached to or …

What medals can a Vietnam veteran wear?

Several decorations (Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal, Commendation Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal) may be awarded for valor, or for merit.

What is the difference between a Vietnam vet and a Vietnam era vet?

Vietnam era veterans are those who served during the time of the Vietnam war but didn’t set foot in the country of Vietnam. The Vietnam vet is one who was assigned within the combat zone of the country and it’s surrounding waters.

Are you a Vietnam veteran if never deployed?

However, the more common usage distinguishes between those who served “in country” and those who did not serve in Vietnam by referring to the “in country” veterans as “Vietnam veterans” and the others as “Vietnam-era veterans”. The U.S. government officially refers to all as “Vietnam-era veterans”.

Can a Vietnam era veteran join the VFW?

You must be a veteran who has honorably served overseas in an area of foreign conflict in order to join the VFW. However, if you are not eligible for VFW membership but are the parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, child or grandchild of a qualifying veteran, you can apply for membership in the VFW Auxiliary.

Is there a Vietnam era medal?

Johnson. The medal is awarded to recognize service during the Vietnam War by all members of the U.S. Armed Forces provided they meet the award requirements….

Vietnam Service Medal
Status Inactive
Established 8 July 1965 – Executive Order November 1967 – Amended, E.O. 11382 2 February 2003 – Amended, E.O. 13286

Can anyone drink at a VFW?

Generally, no. VFW actually means Veterans of Foreign Wars. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your views, there are actually very few of us that ARE veterans of foreign war. Because of that, most VFWs offer “guest” memberships that allow non-veterans to drink and dine at VFW halls.

Does the National Defense Service Medal qualify for VFW?

If you are a U.S. citizen who has served honorably in the Armed Forces and has served in an overseas conflict, you are eligible to become a member of the VFW. The VFW counts over 75,000 active-duty, Reserve and National Guard service members among our ranks.

Do American Legion post commanders get paid?

As of Apr 5, 2021, the average annual pay for a Post Commander in the United States is $32,976 a year.

Do national guardsmen get VA benefits?

Yes, generally, all National Guard and Reserve members qualify for some VA benefits. Different VA benefits may consider different factors to determine eligibility, such as length of service, type of service (such as under Title 10 or Title 32), wartime service, and/or service-related disability.

Does Amazon give veteran discounts?

While there is no specific Amazon military discount, the savings through certain subscriptions like Amazon Prime can help U.S. Armed Forces members in a variety of different ways.

Can honorably discharged veterans shop at the commissary?

In the U.S., you may be eligible for commissary and exchange privileges if you meet one of the requirements listed below. If you’re a Veteran or service member, one of these must be true. You: Have a service-connected disability rating and were honorably discharged, or.

Is shopping at the commissary cheaper?

Does the commissary save you more money than civilian stores? The answer is yes… and no. Generally, consumers save 30% when they shop at the commissary compared to civilian stores-assuming they shopped like the average shopper. But on occasion you’ll find the same items cheaper at civilian stores.