Common questions

What is the origin of the term gee willikers?

What is the origin of the term gee willikers?

Religious roots For example, the word gee — used in phrases such as gee whiz and gee willikers — became a stand-in for saying Jesus. Its first known use as a curse word (as opposed to a direction to steer a mule) was around 1884. According to Merriam-Webster, the similar jeez (also geez) didn’t show up until 1923.

What movie is gee willikers from?

The LEGO Batman Movie

What does golly gee mean?

an expression of surprise

What does gee thanks mean?

It means “wow, thanks”, but it is almost always sarcastic.

Is Gee a slang word?

gee in American English (dʒi ) US. interjection. Slang. used to signify surprise, wonder, etc.

What does golly gee willikers mean?

Speaking of the Cassell dictionary, it confirms the idea of ‘Gee Whillikers’ (and variants) as a euphemism for ‘Jesus’ – in this case, dating from the mid-19th C and mostly used by youngsters in the US. According to the same source, ‘Golly’ is a common childish euphemism for ‘God’ which dates from the mid-18th C.

Is Jee a word?

JEE is a valid scrabble word.

What does Jee mean in English?

(colloquial) yeah!, yay! ( expressing joy)

Is Joe a valid word?

JOE is a valid scrabble word.

What does Joe mean slang?

Joe is a man’s name, a slang term for a guy, or a slang term for coffee. (chiefly US, informal) Coffee. Give me a cuppa joe.

What is golly slang for?

—used as a mild oath or to express surprise —usually used in the phrase by golly.

Is gosh darn it a bad word?

Gosh, darn it, and heck are euphemisms – mild, round-about words used in place of stronger, plainer ones.

Is Golly gosh offensive?

Why replace religious words? Gosh, golly, and gee specifically avoid blasphemy. We also often refer to swear words as profanity, a word which historically referred to an irreverent, contemptuous attitude towards the scared. These types of words are also sometimes called minced oaths.

Is Gosh the same as God?

It’s the same really except some people don’t think it is right to say the name of God so they will say “gosh” instead. Thus, it was changed to “oh my gosh”, but it does mean the same as “oh my God”.

What’s another word for gosh?

What is another word for gosh?

goodness gracious
oh my wow
dear me gee
golly goodness gracious
lord blimey

What part of speech is Gosh?


What part of speech is behind?

behind ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌ Behind can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): The car behind us was flashing its lights. as an adverb (without a following noun): I stayed behind to look after the children.

What is the difference between after and behind?

The biggest difference between these two words is that “after” is often used as a relative conjunction. For example, “we only arrived after the game had already started”. “Behind” is not used in that way. There are other differences, such as “behind” can be used as a noun..