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What is the opposite word for latter?

What is the opposite word for latter?

English Synonyms and Antonyms latter. Antonyms: antecedent, anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, forward, front, introductory, precedent, preceding, preliminary, previous, prior. Synonyms: after, concluding, consequent, following, hind, hinder, hindmost, later, posterior, subsequent, succeeding.

How do you use later in a sentence?

Later sentence example

  1. See you later , then.
  2. A few minutes later he walked down the hallway.
  3. Later , as they walked back to their room, Jonathan looked up at Carmen.
  4. She woke later and looked at the clock.
  5. Later Helen came to my room, looking very sad, and wanted to kiss me.

What is latter time?

1a : belonging to a subsequent time or period : more recent the latter stages of growth. b : of or relating to the end in their latter days.

What does it mean to go with the latter?

usage for latter The latter should only be used to refer to the second of two items: many people choose to go by hovercraft rather than use the ferry, but I prefer the latter. WORD OF THE DAY.

What is Latter Rain in Bible?

According to Pentecostal interpretation, the “former rain” referred to speaking in tongues during the first Christian Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured down on the followers of Christ, and the “latter rain” referred to a second period, when people would again receive the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues as a …

What does latter half mean?

distinguished from former

What is letter in English grammar?

A letter is a type of grapheme, which is a contrastive unit in a writing system. The contemporary English-language alphabet consists of twenty-six letters, each of which corresponds to one or more sounds. Letters are combined to form words. A digraph is a case of polygraphy consisting of two graphemes.

How do you do the latter?

“Latter” refers to the second of TWO persons or things. Here’s a trick to remember the differences: the word “former” means “first” and both begin with the letter “f.” Once you know that former is first, the latter part is easy. “Latter” and “last” both begin with an “l.”

Can latter be plural?

The plural of “latter” used as a noun is “latter” (no “s”).

How do you refer to plurals?

A. The plural form of a name is normally formed by adding either “s” or “es” (no apostrophe), so we would recommend “Jimmys.” See CMOS 7.9, which includes “Harrys” among its examples.

Can we say the latters?

Senior Member. I regret to say that it is not right. As explained above, “the latters” is never used. In Orena’s example, “latters” should be replaced by “latter”, to refer to “insurgents”.

What is the plural of letter?

The plural form of letter is letters. Find more words!

How do you write and Bs?

The more conservative use is “A’s and B’s”. The apostrophe does not show possession in this case. More recently I’ve seen “As and Bs” recommended. Go figure!

What is the plural for yes?

This word has two possible plurals: yeses and yesses. The better plural for the noun is yeses because, like …

How do you say yes in professional email?

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English

  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I’m always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I’d be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.