What is the opposite of combust?
What is the opposite of combust?
What is the opposite of combust?
douse | dowse |
extinguish | quench |
smother | subdue |
put out | snuff out |
What is the opposite of equipped?
Antonyms: unarmed, unequipped, unprepared, ill-equipped. Synonyms: equipt, fitted out(p), furnished, weaponed.
Is equipt a word?
Equipt is a synonym for equipped. You can use “Equipt” instead an adjective “Equipped”.
What is another word for equips?
Frequently Asked Questions About equip Some common synonyms of equip are accoutre, appoint, furnish, and outfit.
Is equip a Scrabble word?
Yes, equip is in the scrabble dictionary.
What is the meaning of equips?
verb (used with object), e·quipped, e·quip·ping. to furnish or provide with whatever is needed for use or for any undertaking; fit out, as a ship or army: They spent several thousand dollars to equip their boat. to dress; array: He equipped himself in all his finery.
What is the synonym of Furnish?
Frequently Asked Questions About furnish Some common synonyms of furnish are accoutre, appoint, equip, and outfit. While all these words mean “to supply one with what is needed,” furnish implies the provision of any or all essentials for performing a function.
What is the opposite of furnished?
“a furnished apartment”; “a completely furnished toolbox” Antonyms: unfurnished. Synonyms: equipt, fitted out(p), equipped, weaponed.
What does furnish mean in law?
As used in theliquor laws, “furnish” means to provide in any way, and Includes giving as well asselling. . State v.
What is the antonym of furnished?
What is the opposite of furnished?
unfurnished | empty |
unarmed | stripped |
bare |
What’s the meaning of furnished?
: to provide (a room or building) with furniture. : to supply or give (something) to someone or something. : to supply or give to (someone) something that is needed or wanted.
What are synonyms for entreaties?
Synonyms. demagogy request appeal supplication plea demagoguery wooing courtship adjuration suit asking courting solicitation prayer.
What does furnishing mean?
1 : an article or accessory of dress —usually used in plural. 2 : an object that tends to increase comfort or utility especially : an article of furniture for the interior of a building —usually used in plural..
What is furnishings on a dog?
The term “Furnishings” refers to the longer mustache and eyebrows seen in dogs with Wire-Hair, and can also been seen in other breeds. Some breeds are fixed for this trait, such as the Airedale Terrier, however, in other breeds, this can be variable.
What does furnished mean in dogs?
The term “Furnishings” refers to the long hair on the extremities of dogs including head and tail (ie, mustache, long eye brows, etc). Bernese Mountain Dogs are an unfurnished breed (IC) while the poodle is a furnished (F) breed. Incomplete Coat, or IC is another term for unfurnished.
What does presentable mean?
1 : capable of being presented. 2 : being in condition to be seen or inspected especially by the critical.
Is mistrust a word?
noun. lack of trust or confidence; distrust.
Is Presentably a word?
Capable of being given, displayed, or offered: presentable gifts; presentable attire. 2. Fit for introduction to others: presentable relatives. pre·sent′a·bil′i·ty, pre·sent′a·ble·ness n.
What is the antonym of presentable?
Opposite of dressed in a tidily stylish or presentable manner. unfashionable. unpresentable. unstylish. styleless.
What is the definition of suede?
English Language Learners Definition of suede : soft leather that has been rubbed on one side to make a surface that looks and feels like velvet. See the full definition for suede in the English Language Learners Dictionary. suede. noun.
How do you spell presentable?
Correct spelling for the English word “presentable” is [pɹɪzˈɛntəbə͡l], [pɹɪzˈɛntəbəl], [p_ɹ_ɪ_z_ˈɛ_n_t_ə_b_əl] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for PRESENTABLE
- present moment,
- presenter,
- presentational,
- present time,
- prescient,
- present-day,
- preussen,
- presumably,
How do you spell community?
Correct spelling for the English word “community” is [kəmjˈuːnɪtˌi], [kəmjˈuːnɪtˌi], [k_ə_m_j_ˈuː_n_ɪ_t_ˌi] (IPA phonetic alphabet).
What is the email Meaning?
electronic mail
What is a barren woman?
not producing or incapable of producing offspring; sterile: a barren woman. unproductive; unfruitful: barren land. without capacity to interest or attract:a barren period in American architecture.
What does VAST mean?
very great in size, amount