What is the name of fe3 po3 2?

What is the name of fe3 po3 2?

Iron(II) phosphate, also ferrous phosphate, Fe3(PO4)2, is an iron salt of phosphoric acid….Iron(II) phosphate.

Chemical formula Fe3(PO4)2
Appearance brown powder
Density 2.61 g/cm3 (octahydrate)
Melting point 180 °C (356 °F; 453 K) (octahydrate) decomposes

What is the name for the compound with the formula Feo?

Iron(II) oxide

What is iron II oxide used for?

Uses. Iron(II) oxide is used as a pigment. It is FDA-approved for use in cosmetics and it is used in some tattoo inks. It can also be used as a phosphate remover from home aquaria.

What does Iron II mean?

In chemistry, iron(II) refers to the element iron in its +2 oxidation state. In ionic compounds (salts), such an atom may occur as a separate cation (positive ion) denoted by Fe2+. The adjective ferrous or the prefix ferro- is often used to specify such compounds — as in “ferrous chloride” for iron(II) chloride, FeCl.

What Colour is Fe2O3?


Why is rust red?

Rust from Iron (III) oxides forms due to high oxygen and water exposure resulting in red rust. Red rust is the result of heavy exposure to air and moisture, combined many times with a contaminate (salt). With red rust, there is uniform corrosion, most often from a very corrosive environment.

How is carbon removed from iron?

Removal of carbon: The still impure molten iron is mixed with scrap iron (from recycling) and oxygen is blown on to the mixture. The oxygen reacts with the remaining impurities to form various oxides. The carbon forms carbon monoxide. Since this is a gas it removes itself from the iron!

Why is iron converted to steel?

Blowing oxygen forces impurities (oxides, silicates, phosphates, etc.) to react with flux to form slag or escape through the top of the furnace as fumes. Flux (limestone) acts as the chemical cleaning agent, absorbing the iron impurities and leaving behind molten steel.

Why is carbon used to extract iron?

If a metal is more reactive than carbon, other chemical reactions and processes must be used in its extraction. Certain metals, such as iron, can be only be reduced using carbon if they are heated to very high temperatures.

What method is used to extract iron?


Why is coke used as a reducing agent?

Coke is a good reducing agent, especially at higher temperatures, because it is a non-metal and it combines with oxygen and forms its gaseous non-metallic oxides. It helps in oxidation.

Is carbon more or less reactive than iron?

Iron is less reactive than carbon, so it can be extracted from iron oxide using carbon.

Is Iron less reactive than zinc?

The higher the metal in the series, the more reactive it is and the more vigorously it reacts with water, oxygen and acid. Examples for metal-displacement reactions: Zinc can displace copper from copper sulphate solution and iron from ferrous sulphate solution. So zinc is more reactive than iron and copper.

Is nickel more reactive than iron?

This article is on reactivity series of metals. The transition metals (such as iron, copper, zinc, and nickel) are slower to oxidize because they form a passive layer of oxide that protects the interior.

What is the least reactive element in period 3?


Why noble gases are non-reactive?

Noble gases are the least reactive of all elements. That’s because they have eight valence electrons, which fill their outer energy level. This is the most stable arrangement of electrons, so noble gases rarely react with other elements and form compounds.

Which gas is non-reactive?

List of Reactive and Non-Reactive Gases

Chemical Name Chemical Formula Type
Oxygen O2 Non-Reactive
Methane CH4 Non-Reactive
Helium He Non-Reactive
Carbon Dioxide CO2 Non-Reactive

What is the least reactive noble gas?

Neon gas

Which is the most reactive gas?
