Common questions

What is the molecular shape of ClF3?

What is the molecular shape of ClF3?

ClF3 Chlorine Trifluoride These are arranged in a trigonal bipyramidal shape with a 175° F(axial)-Cl-F(axial) bond angle. The two lone pairs take equatorial positions because they demand more space than the bonds. The result is a T-shaped molecule.

Is ClF3 ionic or molecular?

See; CF3 (chlorine trifluoride) is an interhalogen compound( compounds made between two different kind of halogen) and they are much reactive than the parent halogen( eg xx’ then xx’ is more reactive than x and x’) and due to electronegative differences between both the atoms therefore they are ionic…

What is ClF3 in chemistry?

Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3) is toxic, corrosive, and incredibly reactive with practically every element on the planet. The chemical is rather useful as a high-energy fluorinating agent or incendiary material.

What is the hybridization of ClF?


What is the hybridization of ClF3 molecule?

ClF3 is normally sp3d hybridized….Hybridization of ClF3 (Chlorine Trifluoride)

Name of the Molecule Chlorine Trifluoride
Molecular Formula ClF3
Hybridization Type sp3d
Bond Angle 175o
Geometry T-shaped

Is a triple bond sp?

An atom with a triple bond and one lone pair has two regions of electron density. Therefore, its hybridization would be sp (one orbital per region of electron density). An atom that is bonded to three other atoms and has no lone pairs would be spp, or sp^2.

What does S P2 stand for?

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What is sp hybridization example?

Any central atom surrounded by just two regions of valence electron density in a molecule will exhibit sp hybridization. Some examples include the mercury atom in the linear HgCl2 molecule, the zinc atom in Zn(CH3)2, which contains a linear C–Zn–C arrangement, the carbon atoms in HCCH and CO2, and the Be atom in BeCl2.

Is triple bond a sp3?

Since each carbon atom is sp hybridized, then each carbon atom has two unhybridized p atomic orbitals. The two C−H sigma bonds are formed from overlap of carbon sp hybrid orbitals with hydrogen 1s atomic orbitals. The triple bond is composed of one σ bond and two π bonds. The carbon atoms are sp3 hybridized.