What is the meaning of TSU?

What is the meaning of TSU?


Acronym Definition
TSU Tarleton State University (Texas)
TSU Technical Support Unit
TSU Texas State University (San Marcos, Texas)
TSU This Side Up

How do you write Tsu in Japanese?

Small Characters You know that the small tsu is just a double consonant (two of the same non-vowels next to each other, like tt or pp), so in order to get a small tsu, all you have to do is type two of the same consonants in a row.

What does TSU stand for police?

Tactical Services Unit Group

What is a Code 7 at Hobby Lobby?

Two codes that will be overhead paged are code 7 which is for a manager and code 10 which is possible shoplifting. These stores have no LP in the store. The cameras are typically watched by the manager on duty if he is in the office.

What’s a 10-7 mean?

Out of service

What is 7 Adam in police code?

At the LAPD, an “Adam” radio call sign designates a two-officer uniformed patrol unit, the basic field unit for LAPD. It is preceded and followed by a number. The first number is the division or patrol area, and the second is the beat area designator. “7-Adam-5” would be a Wilshire area patrol car, assigned to beat 5.

What is a priority 3?

Priority 3: Non-Life Threatening Emergency.

What is a yellow patient?

Delayed or Priority 2 (yellow) can have their medical evacuation delayed until all immediate people have been transported. These people are in stable condition but require medical assistance. Minor or Priority 3 (green) are not evacuated until all immediate and delayed persons have been evacuated.

What is patient priority?

Patient Priorities Care is an approach that involves aligning care among all of a patient’s clinicians with what matters most to that patient—especially older patients who have multiple chronic conditions for whom evidence-based medicine might not exist or be the best choice.

What is the first priority in a trauma code?

Your first priority as a member of the trauma team is to protect yourself from exposure to blood and body fluids. Prepare to use standard precautions, which are mandatory.

What are the 3 categories of triage?


  • Immediate category. These casualties require immediate life-saving treatment.
  • Urgent category. These casualties require significant intervention as soon as possible.
  • Delayed category. These patients will require medical intervention, but not with any urgency.
  • Expectant category.

What does a trauma score of 12 mean?

The score range is 0–12. In START triage, a patient with an RTS score of 12 is labeled delayed, 11 is urgent, and 3–10 is immediate. Those who have an RTS below 3 are declared dead and should not receive certain care because they are highly unlikely to survive without a significant amount of resources.