Common questions

What is the meaning of swill?

What is the meaning of swill?

1 : something suggestive of slop or garbage : refuse. 2a : a semiliquid food for animals (such as swine) composed of edible refuse mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk. b : garbage. Other Words from swill Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about swill.

What is swill alcohol?

swill / swil/ • v. [tr.] drink (something) greedily or in large quantities: they whiled away their evening swilling pints of beer | [as adj.] (swilling) his beer-swilling pals.

What does swilled someone mean?

Swilling – throwing a drink over someone. Soound as a poound – good/approved. It’ll be proper mint! – it will be great. ahfancyhor or ahfancyhim – I fancy her / him.

What does hogwash mean?

1 : swill sense 2a, slop. 2 : nonsense, balderdash.

Why did claptrap’s voice leave?

Claptrap voice actor and former Gearbox vice president of licensing and business development David Eddings said last week that he was not returning to the role in Borderlands 3 because of a pay dispute: He “insisted on getting paid” for his work (his previous performances were on the house because he was a Gearbox …

Will Borderlands 3 have DLC characters?

This was surprising, given how iconic many DLC Vault Hunters had become in the series from Krieg to Gaige to Timothy Lawrence to Aurelia. But now more than ever it seems like there’s a new reason that Borderlands 3 isn’t going to get any DLC Vault Hunters.

How many years later is Borderlands 3?

Story. Borderlands 3 takes place approximately seven years after the events of Borderlands 2 and six years after the events of Tales from the Borderlands. Borderlands 3 begins with four new Vault Hunters – Amara the Siren, FL4K the Beastmaster, Moze the Gunner, and Zane the Operative.

Is Tiny Tina playable in Borderlands 3?

Tiny Tina is an NPC in Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and Borderlands 3.

Is brick Tiny Tina’s brother?

Brick Isn’t only on pandora to hunt down the vault but to also look for his sister and Tina also had a brother. Tina doesn’t have a brother according to any of her backstory.

Is Tiny Tina playable character?

While Tiny Tina is not a playable character in Borderlands 3, her popularity is not lost on the folks at Gearbox. After all, Gearbox has put together the Tiny Tina’s Robot Tea Party game as the first official Borderlands-themed tabletop game, so it clearly has faith in the character.

Who are moxxi’s husbands?

You can also eventually deduce who Moxxi’s husbands were:

  • Jimbo Hodunk.
  • Mr. Shank.
  • Marcus.
  • Mordecai.
  • Handsome Jack.

How old is Gaige the Mechromancer?


How old is Krieg?


Is Zer0 a human?

Zer0 is an assassin for hire. In an ECHO recording, Angel remarks that she’s not even sure if Zer0 is human; both in-game and promotional material show that he has only four digits on each hand. His origins and real name are also unknown, leaving the character shrouded in mystery. As revealed in the “Ask Dr.

How tall is Zer0?

7’6 inches

Does Maya like Krieg?

no, it’s not a relationship. Krieg likes Maya but they didn’t REALLY had anything going on for what we know.

Is Krieg good bl2?

Krieg does so much more than pure melee. With that said, if you do go down that route, its very, very powerful. Its by far the most tanky playstyle, between Taste of Blood and Release the Beast, and your damage output is pretty nuts too with Silence the Voices and Fuel the Blood+Bombardier.

Who voices sane Krieg?

Jason Douglas

What happened to Krieg in Borderlands 3?

Unfortunately, Krieg was discovered and captured by Crushjaw, who some players may remember as a Zer0 Assassination Target in the base game. It would then be up to the player to set and and rescue the big bandit.

Who voices Butcher rose in Borderlands 3?

Miley Yamamoto is the voice of Rose in Borderlands 3.