Common questions

What is the meaning of Suktam?

What is the meaning of Suktam?

A Suktam is a hymn in praise of the deity intended. It praises the deity by mentioning its various attributes and paraphernalia. Rigveda is a Vedain form of Sukti’s, which mean ‘beautiful statements’. A collection of very beautifully composed incantations itself is a Sukta.

How many Suktas are there?

The Samhita of the Rigveda comprises 10 Mandalas, 85 Anuvakas, 1028 Suktas and 10552 Mantras. Usually Anuvaka is not mentioned for the reference of a Mantra of the Rigveda. For example RV 3.16.

What is Sukta history?

Rigveda contains more than 1000 hymns and each hymn is called ‘sukta’. The term ‘sukta’ means well said. These hymns are in praise of gods. Three main gods have been mentioned in the Rigveda.

Which Veda is the oldest?

Rigveda Samhita

Who was the first Rishi?

They are regarded in the Vedas as the patriarchs of the Vedic religion. The earliest list of the Seven Rishis is given by Jaiminiya Brahmana 2.218–221: Agastya, Atri, Bhardwaja, Gautam, Jamadagni, Vashistha and Vishvamitra followed by Brihadaranyaka Upanisad 2.2.

Who is the god of fire according to rigveda *?

Agni, (Sanskrit: “Fire”) fire-god of Hinduism, second only to Indra in the Vedic mythology of ancient India. He is equally the fire of the sun, of lightning, and of both the domestic and the sacrificial hearth.

Do Vedas talk about God?

Since the entire universe is said to be divine in the vedic texts, hindus worship every form of nature as God. Of course the vedic texts clearly say that one should not believe that a form of universe itself is the God, but it is just a part of the divine wholeness. God is in everything and everything is in God.

Which Veda contains cure of diseases?

1. Vedas give some idea about the prevailing medical conditions of the ancient Aryan societies. Though Atharva Veda deals more with the diseases and their remedies, Rg Veda also throws some light on it.

What is in Yajur Veda?

Yajurveda text describes formula and mantras to be uttered during sacrificial fire (yajna) rituals, shown. Offerings are typically ghee (clarified butter), grains, aromatic seeds, and cow milk.

Who recited Yajur Veda?

Yajur Veda (Skt.). The Vedic collection of sacrificial prayers (yajus) used by the Adhvaryu priest. Of the four Vedas, it most reflects the Vedic sacrifice in its ritual character and full scope.

Which Veda do I belong to?

It takes a minimum of 12 years to learn the Vedas! That too, one Veda among the Four, Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva. And we have Yajur Veda, which has Shukla and Krishna Yajur….Which Veda Shaka Sutra To Follow For Gotras.

Veda Sutras
Atharvaveda Kusika Sutra (§)
¶: only quotes survive; §: text survives

What is the meaning of Atharva Veda?

The Atharva Veda (Sanskrit: अथर्ववेदः, Atharvavedaḥ from atharvāṇas and veda, meaning “knowledge”) is the “knowledge storehouse of atharvāṇas, the procedures for everyday life”. The text is the fourth Veda, but has been a late addition to the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism.

Who wrote Puranas?


Who is kashyapa gotra?

Kashyapa (Sanskrit: कश्यप, romanized: IAST: Kaśyapa) is a revered Vedic sage of Hinduism. He is one of the Saptarishis, the seven ancient sages of the Rigveda, as well as numerous other Sanskrit texts and Indian mythologies. He is the most ancient Rishi listed in the colophon verse in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

Is Kashyap a lower caste?

The Brahmanical clan system was later emulated by people who were considered to be of the Rajput-Kshatriya status, and is perhaps an early example of the sanskritisation process whereby ritually lower-ranked groups sought to improve their social status.

How many total Gotras are there?

eight sages

Can same gotra get married?

According to the Hindu tradition, a boy and a girl of the same gotra (ancestral lineage) cannot marry as such relationship is termed as incest.

How Gotras are formed?

So Gotra refers to the Root Person in a person’s male lineage. These 8 Rishis are called Gotrakarin meaning roots of Gotras. However each of them finally trace back to one of the root Gotrakarin Rishi. The word Gotra is formed from the two Sanskrit words Gau (meaning Cow) and Trahi (meaning Shed).

Can Brahmins eat meat?

There are two communities who definitely don’t eat meat—Brahmins, particularly south Indian Brahmins, and Banias (merchant class). They have become vegetarians over a period of time.

What is Shiva gotra?

That there is No Shiva Gotra is not found among Brahmins, despite Shiva being considered as a Brahmin because of Function and. Vishnu as Kshatriya because of the same yard stick, that of protecting us. And Subrahmanya is considered as the best among the best of Brahmins-Su+Brahmanya.