What is the meaning of provocative?

What is the meaning of provocative?

: serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate a provocative question.

What is provocative Behaviour?

adjective. If you describe something as provocative, you mean that it is intended to make people react angrily or argue against it.

How do you use the word provocative?

  1. He doesn’t really mean that—he’s just being deliberately provocative.
  2. His provocative words only fuelled the argument further.
  3. The minister’s provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.
  4. She was sitting in a highly provocative pose.
  5. His behavior was called provocative and antisocial.

What is suggestive behavior?

Definitions for Suggestive (adjective) hinting at or intended to call to mind matters regarded as indecent. (adjective) provoking a memory or mental association. (adjective) clearly conveying a special meaning (as one’s mood)

What is a provocative tone?

(adjective) serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy.

What is a mood word?

Here’s a quick and simple definition: The mood of a piece of writing is its general atmosphere or emotional complexion—in short, the array of feelings the work evokes in the reader. Every aspect of a piece of writing can influence its mood, from the setting and the imagery to the author’s word choice and tone.

What does it mean to be sexually provocative?

adjective. exciting sexual desire. “her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative” Synonyms: sexy. marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest.

Is confused a tone word?

bewildered, confused, lost in thought; preoccupied. characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. completely puzzled or confused; perplexed. sarcastic, having a biting or sarcastic tone.

What is a mood of the poem?

Mood is the feeling created by the poet for the reader. Tone is the feeling displayed by the author toward the subject of the poem. Example: Some words that can describe the mood of a poem might be: romantic, realistic, optimistic, pessimistic, gloomy, mournful, sorrowful, etc.

What is tone and mood of a story?

The mood is how YOU feel when YOU are reading the story. The tone is the author’s feelings through writing. The tone makes you feel a certain way, which is your mood.

Is optimism a mood?

No, optimism is not an emotion. The most universally accepted six basic emotions are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise.

What is a serious tone?

Serious: This tone in writing creates a level of suspense within the reader. It increases their focus because the concepts being offered are important. 3. Humorous: Being funny does more than make people laugh. It also makes them begin to think about difficult concepts in a way that feels safe.

Is dreary a mood?

When something is dreary it’s depressing or lifeless in a rainy-day way. I finished my work, there was nothing on TV, and the rain just wouldn’t stop: what a dreary day! Dreary can refer to a feeling, a place, a time, or even a thing.

How can a person be happy?

18 Easy Ways to Become a Happier Person in 2018

  1. Exercise more frequently. You hear it all of the time, but exercise makes you feel better.
  2. Eat healthier.
  3. Spend more time outside.
  4. Be more grateful.
  5. Spend more time with people that you love.
  6. Learn a new skill.
  7. Worry less what others think.
  8. Meditate.

How can I just enjoy life?

How to Enjoy Life In a Way That Most People Don’t

  1. Focus on Yourself. Other people will always be on hand to offer up their opinions and advice.
  2. Make Time to Relax.
  3. Avoid the News.
  4. Nurture Your Positive Relationships.
  5. Meet New People.
  6. Explore New Places.
  7. Keep a Wish List.
  8. Try New Things.