What is the KSP of PbSO4?

What is the KSP of PbSO4?

1.3 x 10-8

What is the KSP of Cu Oh 2?

Ksp (Cu(OH)2) is 1.6 × 10–19 at 25 °C.

What is Q in KSP?

The reaction quotient, Q, can be used to determine whether a precipitate will form with a given concentration of ions. (The reaction quotient is also called the ion product when it is calculated using concentrations of species involved in solubility equilibria.)

What is Q and K?

Consider a simple chemical system including just two compounds, A and B: Q is a quantity that changes as a reaction system approaches equilibrium. K is the numerical value of Q at the “end” of the reaction, when equilibrium is reached.

How do you find Q and K?

  1. Write the expression to find the reaction quotient, Q.
  2. Since Kc is given, the amounts must be expressed as moles per liter (molarity).
  3. Substitute the values in to the expression and solve for Q.
  4. Compare the answer to the value for the equilibrium constant and predict the shift.

Does Q change with temperature?

As long as the pressures are fixed, the temperature does not affect the instantaneous value of the reaction quotient. When you increase the temperature, what happens is that the equilibrium constant K drops. So, it is not that K remains constant and Q increases.

What does it mean if Q is positive?

Note: When heat is absorbed by the solution, q for the solution has a positive value. This means that the reaction produces heat for the solution to absorb and q for the reaction is negative.

What happens if you increase temperature in equilibrium?

If you increase the temperature, the position of equilibrium will move in such a way as to reduce the temperature again. It will do that by favoring the reaction which absorbs heat. In the equilibrium we’ve just looked at (13, that will be the back reaction because the forward reaction is exothermic.

Why is KC affected by temperature?

According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, an increase in temperature will move the reaction to the left, increasing the concentration of the reactants A and B and decreasing the concentration of the product C. The total changes in the concentrations of A, B and C result in an unchanged value of Kc.

What are the effects of KC?

8.2. 3 : The only thing which can change the value of Kc for a given reaction is a change in temperature. The position of equilibrium, however, can change without a change in the value of Kc. When the concentration of a reactant is increased, the reaction proceeds forward to decrease the concentration of reactants.

Why does pressure not affect KC?

If the gas is one of the reactants or products, this would affect one of the concentrations, and the reaction will have to shift to reestablish equilibrium. Again, this changes one of the rates, but does not affect the rate constants, so Kc is unaffected.

Does a catalyst affect KC?

A catalyst does not effect either Kc or the position of equilibrium, it only effects the rate of reaction. As the rate of forward reaction and reverse reaction is affected equally then the equilibrium cannot be affected.

What is the value of KC at equilibrium?

Law of mass action – The value of the equilibrium constant expression, Kc, is constant for a given reaction at equilibrium and at a constant temperature. ⇒ The equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products may vary, but the value for Kc remains the same.

Why do catalysts not affect equilibrium?

This is because a catalyst speeds up the forward and back reaction to the same extent and adding a catalyst does not affect the relative rates of the two reactions, it cannot affect the position of equilibrium. A catalyst speeds up the rate at which a reaction reaches dynamic equilibrium.

Do all catalysts hasten the chemical reaction?

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction but is not consumed during the course of the reaction. A catalyst will appear in the steps of a reaction mechanism, but it will not appear in the overall chemical reaction (as it is not a reactant or product).

Which reaction is exothermic?

Exothermic reactions are reactions or processes that release energy, usually in the form of heat or light. In an exothermic reaction, energy is released because the total energy of the products is less than the total energy of the reactants.

How do catalysts work in a reaction?

A catalyst is a substance that can be added to a reaction to increase the reaction rate without getting consumed in the process. Catalysts typically speed up a reaction by reducing the activation energy or changing the reaction mechanism.

How do we use catalysts in everyday life?

Catalysts are integral in making plastics and many other manufactured items. Even the human body runs on catalysts. Many proteins in your body are actually catalysts called enzymes, which do everything from creating signals that move your limbs to helping digest your food. They are truly a fundamental part of life.

What is Autocatalysis with example?

In autocatalysis, the reaction is catalyzed by one of its products and that catalyst is called Autocatalyst. One of the simplest examples of this is in the oxidation of a solution of oxalic acid by an acidified solution of potassium manganate (VII) (potassium permanganate). The reaction is very slow at room temperature.

What is catalysis explain with examples?

A chemical catalyst is a substance that causes a chemical reaction to happen in a different way than it would happen without that catalyst. For example, a catalyst could cause a reaction between reactants to happen at a faster rate or at a lower temperature than would be possible without the catalyst.

What would happen if there were no catalysts?

“Without catalysts, there would be no life at all, from microbes to humans,” he said. “It makes you wonder how natural selection operated in such a way as to produce a protein that got off the ground as a primitive catalyst for such an extraordinarily slow reaction.”

Can humans live without enzymes?

Enzymes are incredibly efficient and highly specific biological catalysts . In fact, the human body would not exist without enzymes because the chemical reactions required to maintain the body simply would not occur fast enough. They create an environment to make the reaction energetically more favorable. …

What would happen if we didn’t have enzymes in our body?

Enzymes allow reactions to occur at the rate necessary for life. In animals, an important function of enzymes is to help digest food. Without digestive enzymes, animals would not be able to break down food molecules quickly enough to provide the energy and nutrients they need to survive.

Where is the active site located?

The active site is usually a groove or pocket of the enzyme which can be located in a deep tunnel within the enzyme, or between the interfaces of multimeric enzymes.

At what site on the enzyme are reactants brought together?

Enzymes bring reactants together so they don’t have to expend energy moving about until they collide at random. Enzymes bind both reactant molecules (called the substrate), tightly and specifically, at a site on the enzyme molecule called the active site.

How are active sites formed?

The active site is a groove or pocket formed by the folding pattern of the protein. This three-dimensional structure, together with the chemical and electrical properties of the amino acids and cofactors within the active site, permits only a…

What happens in the active site?

Active sites and substrate specificity To catalyze a reaction, an enzyme will grab on (bind) to one or more reactant molecules. These molecules are the enzyme’s substrates. The part of the enzyme where the substrate binds is called the active site (since that’s where the catalytic “action” happens).