What is the electron configuration of Pt2+?

What is the electron configuration of Pt2+?

1 Answer. The electron configuration of Pt2+ is [Xe]4f145d8 . The energy of an electron in an atom increases with increasing value of n the principal quantum number.

What is the charge of platinum ion?

The most common oxidation states of platinum are +2 and +4. The +1 and +3 oxidation states are less common, and are often stabilized by metal bonding in bimetallic (or polymetallic) species.

What is the formula of platinum?


PubChem CID 23939
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula Pt
Synonyms 7440-06-4 Platinum Pt Platinum Black Platin More…
Molecular Weight 195.08 g/mol

Is platinum a covalent?

Platinum has neither ionic or covalent bonds but they do have metallic bonds | Platinum, Precious metals, Metal.

What is the price of platinum today?

Live Metal Spot Price (24hrs) Apr 12, 2021 at 09:25 EST

Platinum Spot Prices Today Change
Platinum Price / Oz $ 1,189.70 -23.10
Platinum Price Per Gram $ 38.25 -0.74
Platinum Price Per Kilo $ /td>


What are 5 uses for platinum?

Platinum uses come from 5 major sectors:

  • Platinum Automotive Catalytic Converter Exhaust Pollution Prevention (heavy in diesel)
  • Platinum Jewelry.
  • Platinum Petrochemical Uses.
  • Platinum Investment Demand (platinum bullion bars, coins, ETFs)
  • Platinum Industrial Applications.

Why Platinum is lower than gold?

Platinum’s price fluctuates more Because its demand goes up and down, so does its price. So if the ratio is greater than 1, platinum is cheaper than gold. But if the ratio is less than 1, platinum is more expensive than gold.

Is platinum hard to sell?

Selling platinum jewelry is the most difficult way to get the full value of your platinum. It helps when the economic conditions are good and there is a high industrial demand for platinum. When the current market for platinum is high and dealers are more likely to pay higher prices.

Is it good to wear platinum?

Platinum is extremely durable and strong making it ideal for jewellery that’s worn on a daily basis. It’s highly resistant to stress and withstands both extreme heat and extreme cold, which means platinum jewellery will retain its good looks better than any other metal.

Is it a good idea to buy platinum?

Platinum cannot be considered an investment If you are planning to buy platinum jewelry as an investment, think again. The consumption of platinum, though on the rise, still isn’t as popular as gold and diamonds in the country….

Does platinum turn black?

Unlike other metals used to create fine jewelry, platinum will not fade, tarnish or turn color; however, it does take on a distinctive patina with age. Like all precious metals used in the manufacture of jewelry, platinum does scratch with wear.

What is the best fake diamond to buy?


Does platinum suit everyone?

Platinum is 90-95 percent pure, so you don’t have to worry about other allergenic alloys such as nickel getting added to it as you do with gold. If you have sensitive skin, then you should opt for a platinum ring. No matter the conditions you wear it under breakouts will not be one of your concerns.

What metal turns black when heated?

copper metal melts

Can stainless steel be blackened?

Some surface blackening techniques can be used on austenitic (300 series), ferritic (400 series) and duplex stainless steels. Black oxide kits for field finish repair are available but some are only suitable for carbon steel. Heat Blackening. Several methods have been used to darken stainless steel using heat.

Is black oxide better than stainless steel?

Black oxide coating gives slightly better grip. The black oxide is not rough, but provides better tactile feedback than regular stainless.

How do you blacken steel?

How to Blacken Steel with Beeswax at Home

  1. Clean the metal thoroughly with a degreaser and remove any rust.
  2. Preheat an oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Put the metal on to a metal baking sheet.
  4. Let the metal get hot in the oven.
  5. Remove the metal from the oven and take it to a ventilated area.
  6. Rub a mixture of beeswax and linseed oil on the metal with a cotton cloth.

Why do we blacken steel?

Black oxide or blackening is a conversion coating for ferrous materials, stainless steel, copper and copper based alloys, zinc, powdered metals, and silver solder. It is used to add mild corrosion resistance, for appearance and to minimize light reflection.

What chemical is used to blacken steel?


How do you age steel quickly?

Want it to happen faster? After burning the finish off, spray or dip the item in a bath of bleach, vinegar or salt water. That will get the oxidization process started. When it’s the right amount of rustiness, rinse it off, and let it age out in the weather.