Common questions

What is the difference between Senpai and Sensei?

What is the difference between Senpai and Sensei?

sensei (先生) = teacher. senpai (先輩) = senior member(s) of a group. Most commonly used in relation to teachers, professors and doctors, it is also used for people who have achieved some degree of mastery or success in a skill or field. It is not uncommon to hear of a politician referred to as sensei.

Can Sensei be female?

Re: Difference: Male and Female Sensei Generally no difference.

What weapon did the samurai value most?

The samurai was considered synonymous with his katana, as bushidō dictated that a samurai’s soul was in his katana. The katana was often paired with a smaller companion sword, such as a wakizashi or tantō.

Does Japan make guns?

Handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed. The law restricts the number of gun shops. In most of Japan’s 40 or so prefectures there can be no more than three, and you can only buy fresh cartridges by returning the spent cartridges you bought on your last visit.

Why is Japan not allowed an army?

Originally Answered: Is Japan not allowed to have an army? The constitution forbids having a military force with ‘war potential’, that has been interpreted by the Japanese government as meaning armed forces capable of offensive operations beyond mere defence, for example invading or destroying another country.

Are guns banned in China?

Firearms have been tightly controlled in China ever since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. The Firearms-Control Law generally prohibits any private possession of firearms in China with extremely limited exceptions.

Can I buy ammo from China?

No. There has been an importation ban on Chinese firearms and ammunition since the mid 90’s. This ban was accomplished via executive order during the same time as the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

Is it safe to live in China as an American?

Yes, many expats, especially women, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling is virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets tend to be well lit at night. Petty crime rates, particularly for foreigners, seem to be particularly low.