What is the derivative Secx?

What is the derivative Secx?

Since secx=1cosx , we can write this as: ddx1cosx. We can find this derivative using the quotient rule: ddxuv=u’v−uv’v2.

What is the differentiation of sin 3x?

This means the chain rule will allow us to differentiate the expression sin(3x)….Using the chain rule to find the derivative of sin(3x)

sin3x ► Derivative of sin3x = 3cos(3x)
sin3x ► Derivative of sin3x = 3cos(3x)
sin 3x ► Derivative of sin 3x = 3cos(3x)
sin (3x) ► Derivative of sin (3x) = 3cos(3x)

How do you integrate two products?

follow these steps:

  1. Declare a variable as follows and substitute it into the integral: Let u = sin x.
  2. Differentiate the function u = sin x. This gives you the differential du = cos x dx.
  3. Substitute du for cos x dx in the integral:
  4. Now you have an expression that you can integrate:
  5. Substitute sin x for u:

What is the application of double integral?

Double integrals are used to calculate the area of a region, the volume under a surface, and the average value of a function of two variables over a rectangular region.

What does a double integral represent?

The double integral. represents the volume under the surface. We can compute the volume by slicing the three-dimensional region like a loaf of bread. Suppose the slices are parallel to the y-axis. An example of slice between x and x+dx is shown in the figure.

What does a triple integral represent?

• Just as a single integral over a curve represents an area (2D), and a double integral over a curve represents a volume (3D), a. triple integral represents a summation in a hypothetical 4th. dimension.

How do you rewrite a double integral?

To change order of integration, we need to write an integral with order dydx. This means that x is the variable of the outer integral. Its limits must be constant and correspond to the total range of x over the region D.

What is double and triple integral?

We used a double integral to integrate over a two-dimensional region and so it shouldn’t be too surprising that we’ll use a triple integral to integrate over a three dimensional region. The notation for the general triple integrals is, ∭Ef(x,y,z)dV. Let’s start simple by integrating over the box, B=[a,b]×[c,d]×[r,s]

What is the difference between double integral and surface integral?

What is the difference between double integrals and surface integrals? Double integrals are over a flat two dimensional objects, i.e. a subsets of a plane. Surface integrals are over curved two-dimensional objects. To define them one parametrizes the curved surface by a flat one.

What is meant by integral?

adjective. of, relating to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component: integral parts. necessary to the completeness of the whole: This point is integral to his plan. consisting or composed of parts that together constitute a whole.

How do you use the word integral?

Integral in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The engine is an integral part of any motor vehicle.
  2. Sometimes, even the smallest part in a car can be integral to the operation.
  3. Protein is an integral part of any well-balanced diet.
  4. Though he was only one man, he was an integral part of the resistance movement.