Common questions

What is the 51 element?

What is the 51 element?


What element has 51 neutrons?


What element has 51 protons and 70 neutrons?


What is the symbol for antimony?


Where is antimony used?

A lead-antimony alloy is used in batteries. Other uses of antimony alloys include type metal (in printing presses), bullets and cable sheathing. Antimony compounds are used to make flame-retardant materials, paints, enamels, glass and pottery.

Is antimony a heavy metal?

11 – Other heavy metals: antimony, cadmium, chromium and mercury.

What is an interesting fact about Antimony?

Word origin: Antimony was named after the Greek words anti and monos to mean “a metal not found alone.” The chemical symbol, Sb, comes from the element’s historical name, stibium. Discovery: Antimony was a known metal in the 17th century and was likely used even earlier.

What is the symbol of tin?


Where is antimony found on Earth?

Estimates of the abundance of antimony in the Earth’s crust range from 0.2 to 0.5 parts per million. Antimony is chalcophile, occurring with sulfur and the heavy metals, lead, copper, and silver. Over a hundred minerals of antimony are found in nature. Stibnite (Sb2S3) is the predominant ore mineral of antimony.

What period is arsenic in?

Fact box

Group 15 Melting point
Period 4 Boiling point
Block p Density (g cm−3)
Atomic number 33 Relative atomic mass
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes

What level of arsenic is dangerous?

If your water has arsenic levels above 10 ppb, you should get drinking water from another source or install a home treatment device. Levels above 10 ppb will increase the risk of long-term or chronic health problems. The higher the level and length of exposure, the greater the risk.

How do you get pure arsenic?

Arsenic occurs in pure form only in small deposits. It occurs in many minerals, and usually is obtained as a by-product from the mining, processing and refining of other minerals. Common arsenic-bearing minerals include arsenopyrite, conichalcite, enargite, lollingite (iron arsenide), olivenite and orpiment.

Does your body need Arsenic?

In fact, if arsenic is essential for humans, its recommended daily intake would be little different from selenium, which is so important that evolution incorporated it into the rare amino acid selenocysteine—the crucial component of the antioxidizing selenoproteins that help to repair other proteins from oxidative …

How much is arsenic?

~ In its pure form, arsenic costs $320 per 100g.

What foods contain the most arsenic?

Rice and rice-based foods: Rice accumulates more arsenic than other food crops. In fact, it is the single biggest food source of inorganic arsenic, which is the more toxic form ( 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ).

Can you buy arsenic?

Toxic chemicals such as strychnine, arsenic and cyanide are freely available for sale on the internet, leading toxicologists have warned. To demonstrate how easy it is to buy poisons, the Guardian obtained antique flypaper infused with between 200 and 400 milligrams of arsenic from the web marketplace eBay.

Which poison has no taste?

Arsenic is a highly toxic chemical that has no taste, colour or smell. A victim’s symptoms from a single effective dose will resemble food poisoning: abdominal cramping, diarrheoa, vomiting, followed by death from shock.