What is Sudex?

What is Sudex?

Forage sorghum, sudangrass, and sorghum-sudangrass hybrids (sudex) are exceptionally heat and drought tolerant annual crops that are used as cover crops, pasture, hay, and silage. the forage and are not consuming prussic acid at a rate faster than it can be broken down.

Is Sudan hay good for cattle?

All Sudan/Sorghum forages are good choices for dairy and beef cattle feed. The choice of forage will be heavily dependent on seasonal needs and intended harvest management @ silage, pasture, green-chop, etc. The concern is reduced when the forage is harvested as hay.

Does sorghum make good hay?

When managed properly, they can provide excellent hay or grazing and can be used in emergencies to replace failed crops due to drought, hail or other weather calamities at minimal costs. Forage sorghum also serves as an excellent cover crop, suppressing weeds and protecting the soil from wind and water erosion.

Is Sudan hay good for horses?

Sorghum-sudan grass has good yield potential, especially in dry years. You can use it as a pasture or hay but it’s most commonly used during periods of high temperatures and drought. Sorghum-sudan grass isn’t a common horse feed, but you can feed it during droughts, especially when other forage is limited.

Can horses eat triticale hay?

Rolled or flaked processed triticale can be used as the sole cereal grain in diets for horses. Due to its high starch digestibility, triticale may even be superior to other grains for horse diets.

What is the best hay to feed horses?

Grass hay

Is first or second cut hay better?

First cut hay is coarser than second cut, this is because the spring growth (rain, etc.) leads to thicker stems and stalks and heavier leaves. Second cut hay has a finer texture and usually, a greener color and heavier leaves. It is more dense, the leaves are more tender and healthier, especially in protein

Can a horse live on hay alone?

So to answer your question, yes, a horse can live on just hay and be perfectly healthy

How many flakes of hay is 20 lbs?

4 flakes

How much hay should a 1000 pound horse eat a day?

The average 1000 pound horse must eat approximately 10 to 20 pounds of hay every day according to LSU.

Is haylage more fattening than hay?

Due to a greater amount of moisture in haylage you actually need to feed more haylage by weight than hay to provide the same amount of dry matter

Why do farmers put hay in fields?

The farmer is saving them for the winter, when the grass has stopped growing, when perhaps the weather is freezing cold, or the ground is too soggy to let the cattle out for long. Cows can graze when there’s grass. When there isn’t grass they need to eat something else.

How long do hay bales last for decoration?

You can store hay indefinitely if the stack is managed correctly; although, in humid climates, using hay within three years of harvest is ideal. Hay growers need to bale it at correct moisture levels because if it’s baled too damp the hay will generate heat, which leads to molding.

How many bales of hay does a horse eat a week?

Our bales are 2-strand square bales of 55-60 lbs/each, so he’d go through 1/3 of a bale daily = 2-1/3 bales weekly = 10 bales monthly

Is it OK to feed horses grass clippings?

What could it hurt to just dump that bag of clippings over the fence, anyway? The answer, of course, is that feeding horses grass clippings, usually dumped in piles of wet, fermenting grass, can lead to gas colic, laminitis, and even impaction colic, says Joe Stricklin, DVM, of Greeley, Colorado

How many acres of hay should I feed my horse?

Two acres

How long can horses go without hay?

3-4 hours

What to feed horses when there is no hay?

Six Hay Alternatives for Horses

  • Bagged chopped forage. It can replace all of your horse’s hay, if necessary.
  • Hay cubes. Chopped cubed hay (usually alfalfa or timothy or a combination) is another 100-percent replacement.
  • Hay pellets.
  • “Complete” feed.
  • Beet pulp.
  • Soybean hulls.

Does hay make horses put on weight?

Alfalfa is higher in calories and protein than grass hays, which makes it an excellent choice to help to add weight to a thin horse. If your horse tends to be wasteful with his hay, he may eat more when offered alfalfa hay cubes or pellets.

How many flakes of hay should you feed a horse?

five flakes

What’s the best feed to put weight on a horse?

Feed lucerne hay. Lucerne (known as alfalfa in North America) is a high energy forage and makes a valuable contribution to raising a horse’s calorie intake above their daily requirement to encourage weight gain. Lucerne will also provide your horse with good quality protein which will facilitate muscle development.

How do I put weight on my horse’s topline?

The feeding rate is typically 1 lb per 1,000-lb body weight per day. Replacing 1 lb daily of your regular horse feed with 1 lb of a balancer pellet will provide the required amount of essential amino acids to your horse’s diet, and you should see an improvement in topline in a few months

Does beet pulp help horses gain weight?

Beet pulp can be used to help underweight horses gain weight, as it provides approximately 1,000 kcals per pound (one quart of dry beet pulp shreds weighs approximately 0.5-0.6 pounds)