Common questions

What is Solomon Grundy weakness?

What is Solomon Grundy weakness?

4 HIS MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE Although Solomon is virtually unstoppable, one of the weaknesses most of his incarnations possess is a limited mind. This not only makes him easy to manipulate, trick, or fool, but also leaves him vulnerable to mind control tactics.

What is the story of Solomon Grundy?

His origin story is related through several Arkham Stories: Solomon Grundy was once a merchant who was murdered and his body dumped in a mystic swamp. That night, he was resurrected by combination of the swamp’s mystic properties and a strange thunderstorm which turned him into the creature known as Solomon Grundy.

Is Solomon Grundy a bad guy?

Cyrus Gold (Solomon Grundy), is a Zombie supervillain who has clashed with many heroes over the years, including Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, the Justice Society of America, and the Justice League of America. Although primarily evil, some of his incarnations have shown the capacity for heroism.

Who came first Hulk or Grundy?

4 MORE POPULAR: HULK Marvel’s Green Goliath made his first appearance in 1962’s Incredible Hulk #1, which came out 18 years after his DC counterpart, Solomon Grundy, made his debut in All-American Comics #61.

What is the DC version of Hulk?

New 52, I’d say it was Etrigan/Jason Blood. Behemoth in the Multiversity series is literally a parody of The Hulk.

Can Thanos beat doomsday?

Thanos does not have the energy of the Guardians nor the heavenly energy of Radiant, so he can still kill Doomsday with energy. However, Doomsday is physically stronger than Hulk or Juggernaut. Thanos’ tech won’t hold him down for long. Thanos can use his powerful mind to see if he can take Doomsday in a fist-fight.

Who is stronger Hulk or Juggernaut?

As part of the World War Hulk storyline, the Hulk defeated a power-weakened Juggernaut with a single hit. He also has knocked out Juggernaut out cold. Pure strength (even the Hulk’s massive power) isn’t enough to take him down.

Would juggernaut beat Hulk?

Juggernaut is only beaten when his friendliness to Hulk breaks the illusion. The Hulk can be overpowered by the Juggernaut; the Hulk cannot stop the Juggernaut; and most importantly, the Hulk’s strength, even at maximum, cannot harm the Juggernaut at his maximum power.

Can Thor beat juggernaut?

While Thor himself is not strong enough to defeat Juggernaut, he has the help of his famous hammer Mjölnir. Since Mjölnir can only be wielded by the worthy, Juggernaut has no chance of lifting it.

Can darkseid beat juggernaut?

Darkseid would send his legions after Juggernaut and they would fall before him. Eventually Darkseid himself would go after Juggernaut and that would be that. Juggernaut is strong, but Darkseid is stronger and if it came down to it, there’s always the Omega Effect.

Who can beat juggernaut?

When it comes to the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, few top the individual strength that the Hulk and Juggernaut possess.

Can juggernaut move the blob?

juggernaut won’t be able to move the blob with momentum, however; he still able to move him with the leverage of the earth beneath him and blob. blob has an invisible gravitation bubble that plants him into the ground. depending on what that ground is depends how much harder it is to move the blob.