Common questions

What is Sailor Moon hairstyle called?

What is Sailor Moon hairstyle called?


Why does Sailor Moon have blonde hair?

When Sailor Moon’s creator, Naoko Takeuchi, first invented the character of Usagi, she wanted to have her blonde hair change to silver after transforming. The Sailor Moon creator would put her hair up into buns during exams or hard classes as a sort of good luck charm.

Why is Sailor Moon called Usagi?

What does Usagi mean in Sailor Moon? In Sailor Moon, the main character’s name is Usagi Tsukino. Usagi is her personal name, Tsukino is her family name. In Japanese, “Usagi” means “rabbit”, and “Tsuki” means “moon”, thus her name “Tsukino Usagi” evokes the legend of a rabbit who lives on the moon.

Who has a crush on Usagi?

Tuxedo Mask is the alter ego of Darien Chiba (english name ) Mamoru Chiba (japenese name) in the anime/manga, Sailor Moon, and the romantic love interest of Usagi Tsukino(Sailor Moon), and later sweetheart, lover, and boyfriend of the main character.

Who did Sailor Moon marry?

King Endymion

Is Chibi Moon Usagi’s daughter?

Sailor Chibi Moon is Chibiusa’s identity as a Sailor Soldier. As the daughter of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, she exhibits traits of both parents in battle. Her personality is no different from when she is a civilian, although certain powers are unavailable to her in that form.

Does Chibi Moon die?

She temporarily faded out of existence. So technically she didn’t die, it’s more like her existence was cancelled out entirely. However, she ended up being okay in the end, so it’s alright.

Is Sailor V really Princess Serenity?

In Silver Millennium, Sailor Venus was also the Princess of her home planet. She was the leader of those who protected Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. As Princess Venus, she dwelt in Magellan Castle and wore a yellow gown—she appears in this form in the original manga, as well as in supplementary art.