Common questions

What is Psltscale in AutoCAD?

What is Psltscale in AutoCAD?

PSLTSCALE. This variable controls the linetype scaling of geometry displayed in paper space viewports – Paper Space Line Type Scale. This variable only has two settings. Setting ‘PSLTSCALE’ to 0 (Off) will mean that the linetype scale factor of your modelspace geometry will not be effected by the scale of your viewport …

How do I fix Ltscale in AutoCAD?

Solution: The solution is to select the linetype and then modify the scale in the Properties palette. In Properties, when no objects are selected the Linetype Scale field under the General category will scale linetypes globally in the drawing.

How do you change linetype in AutoCAD?

Change the Linetype of Selected Objects Right-click in the drawing area, and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. In the Properties palette, click Linetype, and then the down arrow. From the drop-down list, choose the linetype that you want to assign to the objects.

How many linetypes are in AutoCAD?

When you first start AutoCAD, the default template has only one linetype is available. This is the continuous linetype. AutoCAD has many more available, but only loads in one to start with in order to keep the drawing file size smaller. If you need a different linetype, you must load it into your current drawing.

What are the line types?

Linetypes can be a pattern of dashes, dots, text, and symbols, or unbroken and continuous. The current linetype setting defines the default appearance of all new geometric objects.

What is Lineweight AutoCAD?

Lineweight is a property assigned to graphical objects, hatches, leader lines, and dimension geometry that results in thicker, darker lines. The current lineweight is assigned to all new objects until you make another lineweight current.

How do I reduce lineweight in AutoCAD?

Change lineweight to the desired thickness

  1. On the ribbon in AutoCAD, click the Home tab Layers Panel Layer Properties.
  2. In the Layer Properties Manager, under the Lineweight column, click the lineweight to change.
  3. In the Lineweight dialog window, choose the lineweight to use as the default for objects on that layer.

What is Lineweight?

Line weight is the visual lightness, darkness, or heaviness of a line within a drawing. In any architectural drawing, from a sketch to a construction drawing, the interplay of different relative line weights is used to communicate depth, importance, and proximity.

How do I set lineweight in AutoCAD 2020?

Click Show/Hide Lineweight Find on the status bar. The status bar is located in the lower right-hand corner of the application window. If no change is visible, it’s probably due to a combination of the thickness of the line compared to the display resolution of your monitor.

How do you show lineweight in Autocad Mac?


  1. Click Format menu > Lineweight.
  2. In the Lineweight Settings dialog box, choose a lineweight.

Why line weight is important in technical drawing?

The extra line weight for construction drawings is used to represent graphical symbols and is situated somewhere between the ‘Narrow’ Line and ‘Wide’ line.

What is the default lineweight in AutoCAD?

0.01 inches

How do I change the default layer in AutoCAD?

To Edit the Default Layer Settings

  1. Open the Edit Point Settings dialog box using one of the following methods: Click Home tab Create Ground Data panel Points menu Point Creation Tools Find.
  2. If needed, scroll to Default Layer.
  3. To specify a new Layer, click the Value cell and specify a layer in the Layer Selection dialog box.
  4. Click OK.

How do I change the default global width in AutoCAD?

If you need to set all of your plines to a single width in autocad open the properties window, type qselect, change object type to ‘polyline’, set operator to ‘select all’, set how to apply to ‘include’, then click ok. In the properties window under geometry, change the global width to 0.25 and you’re done.

How do I change the default line color in AutoCAD?

To Change the Default Color Assigned to a Layer

  1. Click Home tab Layers Panel Layer Properties .
  2. In the Layer Properties Manager, under the Color column, click the color that you want to change.
  3. In the Select Color dialog box, choose the color that you want to use as the default for objects on that layer.

How do I override a layer property in AutoCAD?

To Override Layer Properties in a Layout Viewport

  1. On a layout, double-click inside a layout viewport to make it the current viewport.
  2. Click Home tab Layers panel Layer Properties. Find.
  3. In the Layer Properties Manager, specify the properties to override in the current layout viewport by changing the properties in the following columns: VP Freeze. VP Color. VP Linetype.

How do I change colors in AutoCAD?


  1. Select the objects whose color you want to change.
  2. Right-click in the drawing area, and choose Properties.
  3. In the Properties palette, click Color, and then click the down arrow. From the drop-down list, choose the color that you want to assign to the objects.
  4. Press Esc to remove the selection.

How do I change multiple block colors in AutoCAD?

I beleive you need to select all the blocks that you want to change the colour of and then use the command setbylayer. You can then say yes to the 2 prompts that follow, and you should see the colour of all your blocks change.

How do you edit multiple blocks in AutoCAD?

Re: edit multiple blocks in one command? if you want everything by layer, you can use the setbylayer command, and it will give you the option to modify all blocks as well. Redefines all or selected blocks so that all entities are on layer ‘0’ (zero), with color ‘BYBLOCK’.

What is Byblock in AutoCAD?

As you know BYLAYER means an object will get its property from the value assigned for that property to the layer. BYBLOCK however applies specifically to the elements of a block. The attribute value of the element is the one assigned to the block. For example.

How do you bypass a block color in AutoCAD?

To Change the Color of Blocks

  1. Use the INSERT command to add another instance of the block.
  2. Explode the new block.
  3. At the Command prompt, enter chprop. Select objects: Select the objects in the exploded block.
  4. Redefine the block with the BLOCK command and select the objects in the exploded block.

How do you color block in AutoCAD?

How do I change a block layer?

Re: Change Block Layer Edit the entities within the block (either explode->edit->redefine, or use refedit to modify). Change those you want to be able to place on a different layer to Layer0. Change those you always want to have the colour / linetype / etc. set to that of the Layer to ByLayer.

How do you move a block from one layer to another in AutoCAD?

To Move Objects From One Layer to Another

  1. Click Home tab Layers panel Move to Another Layer. Find.
  2. Select the objects you want to move.
  3. Press Enter to terminate object selection.
  4. Press Enter to display the Mechanical Layer Manager.
  5. Select the layer the objects should be moved to.
  6. Click OK.

How do I change the color of a block in AutoCAD without exploding?

How do I change the color of a block in AutoCAD without exploding? Re: Assign a color to a block without editing block or exploding block. Select the block and choose ‘Set Nested objects to ByBlock’ from the right click menu.

What layer should blocks be created on?

Layer 0