Common questions

What is Haxorus best Moveset?

What is Haxorus best Moveset?

The best moves for Haxorus are Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

Is Haxorus better than Hydreigon?

Hydreigon is a special attacker, while Haxorus is physical. Both have they’re up and downs, but Haxorus tends to be more reliable with access to Dragon Dance.

Is Haxorus a good Pokemon?

Haxorus. It has a ridiculous attack stat, as well as a decent physical defense and surprisingly pretty good speed for a dinosaur that has a freaking axe on its face. It can OHKO most things in the game WITHOUT BOOSTING. It can learn Dragon Dance or Swords Dance to boost its greatest qualities and completely kill teams.

What is the best item for Haxorus?

Haxorus – Best Item to Hold

Item Traits
Haban Berry Reduces the damage of super-effective Dragon moves. Useful for specializing as a Dragon-killer.
Choice Scarf Increases speed by 150% but locks you into a move. Useful for outspeeding certain Dragon types.

Is dragonite or Garchomp better?

Garchomp has identical defense stats to Dragonite, with lower attack, special attack, and special defense, but more than makes up for this by being the fastest of all pseudo-legendary Pokemon, as well as an outstanding special ability.

Is Mega Garchomp better than Garchomp?

Mega Garchomp, compared to normal Garchomp, has worse speed, better attack and a niche ability that doesn’t work for most teams. Mega Garchomp, compared to normal Garchomp, has worse speed, better attack and a niche ability that doesn’t work for most teams. The issue with Mega Garchomp is that it’s too slow.

What country is GTA 5 banned?

The list of countries that banned the game included Thailand, Venezuela, Pakistan, South Africa and Argentina.

Why was Roblox banned UAE?

Roblox is an online massive multiplayer website with a player base of mainly children. Users create their own games, And are allowed to chat with other users. In 2018, Roblox was banned in the UAE for damaging children’s health.

Why is discord banned in Dubai?

Like most other free to use VoIP services, Discord is banned in the UAE. According to the government, this is because the state telecom companies contribute a significant amount to the country’s budget, and switching to free services would have a real impact.

Why is Roblox banned in North Korea?

Originally Answered: Why is Roblox banned in many countries? Most notably North Korea and Jordan, these countries have Roblox banned from their country due to National Security concerns (especially North Korea).

Is Roblox OK for an 8 year old?

Available on smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, the Xbox One, and some VR headsets, Roblox has an ESRB rating of E10+ for Everyone 10 and up for Fantasy Violence, which means that typical gameplay should be suitable for most kids. In fact, your child can even sell their game on Roblox!