Common questions

What is DNI NIF?

What is DNI NIF?

​Generally speaking, the Tax Identification Number (NIF) for Spanish citizens is the number on the National Identification Document (DNI). For Non-Spanish citizens, is the Foreigner Identification Number (NIE). Both documents (DNI and NIE) are issued by the Spanish Ministry of Interior.

What is the Spanish NIF number?

This is the generic term for the tax ID number for all individuals. For Spaniards, it’s the DNI plus one letter; for foreigners, it is your NIE. If you’re a nonresident who has to pay taxes in Spain, you may get a NIF issued to you without having an NIE.

What is DNI number?

A DNI number is a unique identity number for all Peruvian citizens.

What does NIF mean when ordering online?

They are fiscal identification numbers. NIF = Número de Identificación Fiscal (for individuals)

How do I get a NIF number?

You can apply for a NIF in a few different ways. In person, by visiting the local tax office called “Finanças” or go to a citizen’s shop “loja do cidadão” (website is in Portuguese only) if that is closer to your home. Or, if you are a business, you can apply online at Finanças (website in Portuguese only).

What does NIF mean?


Acronym Definition
NIF Network Information File
NIF Neighborhood Information Frame
NIF National Innovation Foundation (India)
NIF National Issues Forum (various locations)

Is NIF a word?

noun. Usually italicized. More fully “nif gene”. (A symbol for) a gene which encodes nitrogenase or other proteins required for bacterial nitrogen fixation.

What is a NIF Respiratory?

Negative Inspiratory Force is a measurement of respiratory muscle strength and ventilator reserve. NIF is one of several clinical indicators that are often used to assess a patient’s ability to be successfully “weaned” and liberated from mechanical ventilation.

What does NIF mean in Portuguese?

Número de Identificação

What is tin number Portugal?

NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal), which is also referred to as the contribution number (“Número de contribuinte”) is an Individual Tax Identification Number used in Portugal. The number, which consists of nine digits, is unique for each person. The NIF number is issued by the tax authorities of Portugal.

What is a NIF number in UK?

For most individuals in the UK the TIN will be their National Insurance Number.

Which is the best bank in Portugal?

Santander ‘Best Bank in Portugal 2020’ and ‘Best Investment Bank in Portugal 2020’ Euromoney magazine named Santander the ‘Best Bank in Portugal 2020’ and the ‘Best Investment Bank’. Lisbon, 15 July 2020.

Are offshore bank accounts illegal?

There’s nothing illegal about establishing an offshore account unless you do it with the intent of tax evasion. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires banks around the world to report balances and any activity of American citizens to the IRS or face fines.

Are Portuguese banks safe?

Portuguese banks are safe and easy to use They include all the products and services, financial information, contact details and more.

What is non-resident bank account?

Non-Resident bank accounts are those, which are maintained by Indian nationals and Persons of Indian origin resident abroad, foreign nationals and foreign companies in India.

How can I avoid tax on my NRO account?

The best way for an NRI to avoid paying a high TDS is to open a Non Resident Ordinary Rupee Account (NRO), a Foreign Currency Non Resident Account (FCNR) and a Non Resident External Account (NRE).

Can my friend deposit money in NRO account?

Can my friend deposit money in NRO Account? Yes. Your friend can deposit money in NRO Account as gifts in INR from any resident or NRE/NRO account holder is allowed in an NRO Account.

Which account is best for NRI?

List of Top 10 NRE Saving accounts for NRI’s, Interest Rates, Min. Balance

Bank Name Interest rate (%) Per Annum
Bank of Baroda 2.75%
HDFC Bank 3% to 3.50%
Yes Bank 4% to 6%
Citibank 2.75% to 3.75%

Is NRI account taxable?

If your status is ‘NRI,’ your income which is earned or accrued in India is taxable in India. Income which is earned outside India is not taxable in India. Interest earned on an NRE account and FCNR account is tax-free. Interest on NRO account is taxable for an NRI.

Can NRI maintain resident bank account?

A resident is a citizen who stays in India for at least 182 days in a financial year. NRIs can maintain bank accounts in India in the form of rupee or foreign currency accounts. The latter can be maintained only with RBI authorised dealers or banks.

What happens if you don’t convert to NRO account?

If the violation is a continuing one, you may have to pay a heavy penalty. In such cases, additional penalty may extend up to ₹5000 for each day that the violation continues for. Therefore, it is recommended that you convert your savings account into an NRO one as soon as possible.

Is it illegal for NRI to have savings?

As per the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) guidelines, an NRI cannot have a savings account in his or her name in India.

Can third party deposit cash in NRO account?

Yes, you can deposit cash in an NRO account after sharing the source of income of the money that you are depositing with the bank.

Is money deposited in NRO account taxable?

Taxation. An NRO account is taxed at 30% of the total income accrued in India, as per the Income Tax Act of 1961. Additionally, a cess at 3% is applicable on the overall tax liability. Interest earned through such accounts is also taxable.

Can my parents deposit money in NRO account?

Gift received from a close relative (your father qualifies as a close relative of the son) does not attract any tax as per Indian tax laws. Hence, your father can deposit the money directly into your NRO bank account or remit it to your US bank account. Legally we can only comment on Indian tax laws.

How much money can be deposited in NRO account?

NRO Savings Account holders may only be allowed to remit up to USD 1 million during one financial year i.e. April to March.

Can I transfer money from local account to NRO account?

Yes, you can transfer money from normal saving account to NRO account and vice versa. The thing to know about NRO accoint is that the interest earned is taxable and it is as high as 33%. Is it possible to open an NRO/NRE account without a visa?

How can I withdraw money from my NRO account?

How can I transfer funds from my NRE / NRO savings account?

  1. Visit our web site
  2. Enter your Internet Banking user ID and password.
  3. Click on ‘Funds Transfer’
  4. Choose one of the transfer options.
  5. You need to follow the below mentioned steps to register and authenticate your payee:

Can my friend transfer money to my NRE account?

Amount can be transferred from one Non resident external account to another Non resident external account without any limitations. However, amount cannot be transferred from the accounts of normal resident individual or NRO account of same party or another party to NRE account.

Can I send money to NRO account?

A Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) Account is a popular way for many Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to manage their deposits or income earned in India such as dividends, pension, rent, etc. Also, you can very easily to transfer money from your current NRE account to your NRO Account.