Common questions

What is Detoxamin?

What is Detoxamin?

Detoxamin is a powerful and patented formula, and a complete chelation program. Non-invasive, no discomfort, no hassle. Each Detoxamin EDTA suppository is proven in high-tech lab analysis, and published medical studies.

How do you use EDTA suppositories?

  1. Take one EDTA Suppository rectally every other night prior to bedtime.
  2. Take a good multivitamin and mineral daily.
  3. Drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated with at least 100oz per day.

What metals does EDTA remove?

Chelation means “to grab” or “to bind.” When EDTA is injected into the veins, it “grabs” heavy metals and minerals such as lead, mercury, copper, iron, arsenic, aluminum, and calcium and removes them from the body.

Is EDTA in shampoo safe?

“What is Tetrasodium EDTA? The Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that disodium ETDA and related ingredients (including tetrasodium EDTA) were safe as used in cosmetic ingredients and personal care products.

Does disodium EDTA cause hair loss?

Considered harmless in cosmetics at low levels. Included in many hair and skin care products as a preservative, Tetrasodium EDTA has become a common ingredient in the personal care industry. Serenoa Serrulata Extract Known to help block the production of DHT which can contribute to hair loss.

Is butylated hydroxytoluene safe for skin?

BHT does penetrate the skin, but the relatively low amount absorbed remains primarily in the skin. In addition to liver and kidney effects, BHT applied to the skin was associated with toxic effects in lung tissue. BHT was not a reproductive or developmental toxin in animals.

Why is BHT bad for you?

Health and Environmental Hazards Long-term exposure to high doses of BHT is toxic in mice and rats, causing liver, thyroid and kidney problems and affecting lung function and blood coagulation [4]. BHT can act as a tumour promoter in certain situations [5].

Why is BHT banned in Europe?

FDA said that ADA, a whitening agent that is also added to flour, is safe to consume in limited quantities, even though research shows that the additive caused cancer in lab animals. BHA and BHT are preservatives and flavor enhancers that face “severe restrictions in Europe,” Rabin writes

Where is BHT banned?

Both BHA and BHT are banned from foods in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and throughout Europe. Many chips, sausages and cereals contain butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene in their ingredient lists. The waxy substances act as preservatives, keeping foods from becoming rancid

What is BHT and why you should avoid it?

BHA and BHT are chemical preservatives that are used to keep foods fresh. They have antioxidant properties, which protect foods from the effects of oxygen, or simply put, from going bad. The National Institute of Health, for example, anticipates BHA to be labeled a human carcinogen. It is also thought to cause cancer

Is BHT preservative bad for you?

There is no scientific evidence that BHT is harmful in the amounts used in packaged food. Indeed, in small amounts, it may have anticancer effects similar to those provided by naturally occurring antioxidants. But studies of larger doses have shown mixed results

Is BHT a carcinogen?

BHT is not a listed carcinogen, but some data have shown that it does cause cancer in animals. Rats fed BHT have developed lung and liver tumors (EFSA 2012). BHT has also been shown to cause developmental effects and thyroid changes in animals, suggesting that it may be able to disrupt endocrine signaling (EFSA 2012).

What does BHT do to the body?

BHT is an antioxidant. It may damage the protective outer layer of viral cells. This may keep the viruses from multiplying and/or doing more damage.

Is BHT banned in Europe cosmetics?

The European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has determined that there is strong evidence that BHA is a human endocrine disruptor, and has banned its use in cosmetics. There is evidence that certain persons may have difficulty metabolizing BHA and BHT, resulting in health and behavior changes.

Is BHT an endocrine disruptor?

BHT is accused of being an endocrine disruptor and of having toxic effects on the liver, kidneys and lungs at extreme doses, by ingestion. BHT is also suspected of having a potential for bioaccumulation in aquatic species.

What ingredient is BHT?

Butylated hydroxytoluene

What foods have BHT in them?

BHT is in cosmetics like lip glosses and lotions, personal care items, as well as food items like preserved meats or chips, edible fats, dehydrated foods, baked goods, snack foods, chewing gum, animal feed, and foods that contain fats as well as flavoring products [1] [3].

What is BHA and BHT in lard?

BHA and BHT are preservatives and citric acid an antioxidant. They’re in the lard to prevent it going rancid on the shelf waiting for you to purchase it. The amounts are controlled by the FDA or its equivalent in other countries

Why are BHA and BHT added to foods?

When fatty or oily foods are treated with BHA, or its chemical cousin BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), the preservatives occupy the attention of attacking oxygen molecules in a process chemists refer to as “scavenging free radicals.” As a result, the food tastes better for longer

Why is BHA added in butter?

BHA is generally used to keep fats from becoming rancid. It is also used as a yeast de-foaming agent. BHA is found in butter, meats, cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer. BHT also prevents oxidative rancidity of fats

Is BHA harmful to dogs?

BHA found in foods for animals has been known to be carcinogenic. Butylated hydroxyanisole has been linked to tumors in laboratory animals. The state of California has listed BHA under their list of chemicals known to cause cancer. FDA regulations allow BHA to be added to dog foods to preserve fats.

Are Milk Bones OK for dogs?

This preservative consistently produces tumors in lab animals. While the FDA asserts that BHA is safe in low doses, dogs are being fed these tainted foods day in and out. Milk Bones also contain wheat which, along with soy and corn, dogs have even more difficulty digesting than humans

Are Milk Bones fattening for dogs?

Milk-Bone also suggests feeding 1 biscuit per 33 pounds of your dog’s body weight as a more precise guideline. If given in moderation (and if your dog is not allergic to the ingredients), Milk-Bone should not have adverse effects on your dog’s health.