Common questions

What is DDA on my bank statement?

What is DDA on my bank statement?

A demand deposit account (DDA) is a bank account from which deposited funds can be withdrawn at any time, without advance notice. DDA accounts can pay interest on the deposited funds but aren’t required to. Checking accounts and savings accounts are common types of DDAs.

Is a DDA account a checking account?

A demand deposit account is just a different term for a checking account. Most demand deposit accounts (DDAs) let you withdraw your money without advance notice, but the term also includes accounts that require six days or less of advance notice.

How do I stop a POS transaction?

The most common way to cancel a POS transaction is the Cancel/Hold button within the transaction. This button is used to cancel the transaction before it is saved to the database.

What is a POS withdrawal?

A POS or “Point of Sale” transaction is a purchase made with your Visa debit card and you are required to enter your PIN on a keypad. POS transactions post to your account immediately. On your statement, a POS transaction will show the amount and the address (and sometimes) the name of the merchant.


The full form of P.O.S. is Point of sale. 1. Where the full form of ATM is Automated teller Machine. P.O.S. is used to give support to business for cash transaction.

How much can I withdraw from debit card?

Depending upon the variant of the card, the daily cash withdrawal limit ranges from ₹20,000 to ₹1 lakh.

How do you reconcile a POS transaction?

How to do POS reconciliation

  1. Step 1: Compare internal records with statements.
  2. Step 2: Identify transactions that you can’t cross-reference.
  3. Step 3: Verify incoming funds on both documents.
  4. Step 4: Contact the bank for suspected errors.
  5. Step 5: Maintain a balanced set of books.

Does ATM detect fake money?

It is against the law to deposit counterfeit money, whether it is via the teller, or via an ATM. They will discover it, and be able to trace it back to you (that’s easily than you think). You will be charged with passing counterfeit bills.

How far back can bank statements be obtained?

Banks are required by law to keep most records of checking and savings accounts for five years.

How long can a bank restrict your account?

If your account is frozen because the bank is investigating your transactions, freezes typically last about 10 days for simpler situations or around 30 days for more complicated situations. But because there are no hard-and-fast rules on this, it’s best to assume it could last a long time.

How do bank frauds happen?

Many a time, the borrowers are not traceable. ATM: Money is withdrawn using cloned ATM cards. Cash credit: Frauds involve falsification of the books of accounts and removal of goods and property hypothecated to the banks without their knowledge. Term loan: This is the biggest contributor to the frauds.

Will a fake check clear the bank?

If you deposit a fake check, it can take weeks before the bank realizes that it’s counterfeit. Your check may clear within one or two days, and you can withdraw the check amount, but that doesn’t mean the check is necessarily legitimate.

Why money is debited from my account?

A bank account is debited when a transaction is made, usually with a debit card, billpayer system, or a check. When a debit card is swiped or processed for an online transaction, the first step is that the bank is notified electronically.

What can you do if someone withdraws money from your bank account?

What to do when money is stolen from your bank account

  1. Contact your bank or card provider to alert them.
  2. Contact Action Fraud to report the crime if you’ve been scammed.
  3. You can also report financial scams, such as investment fraud, to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).