Common questions

What is Bua in medical term?

What is Bua in medical term?

Also found in: Wikipedia. Acronym. Definition. BUA. Blood Uric Acid.

What does a Bua mean?

BUA — Business Unit Agreement. BUA — Broadband Ultrasonic Attenuation. BUA — bovine urinary antigen. BUA — Built-Up Area. BUA — Basic Utility Allowance.

What does BHI mean in medical terms?


Acronym Definition
BHI Biosynthetic Human Insulin
BHI Breath-Holding Index (medical evaluation)
BHI Beurei Hatefila Institute
BHI Bulletin Hebdomadaire International (French: Weekly International Bulletin)

What does or stand for in healthcare?

OR (abbreviation): Stands for “operating room”. A facility equipped for performing surgery. OR is sometimes written O.R.

What is high uric acid in blood test?

High levels of uric acid in your blood typically indicate that your body is making too much uric acid or that your kidneys aren’t removing enough uric acid from your body. Having cancer or undergoing cancer treatment can also raise your uric acid levels.

What does high uric acid indicate?

If too much uric acid stays in the body, a condition called hyperuricemia will occur. Hyperuricemia can cause crystals of uric acid (or urate) to form. These crystals can settle in the joints and cause gout, a form of arthritis that can be very painful. They can also settle in the kidneys and form kidney stones.

What is a Bua Larry?

Larry Stylinson is the nickname given to the pairing of One Direction members Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, who some fans believe have a secret relationship.

What does BHI stand for in microbiology?

Brain heart infusion (BHI) is a growth medium for growing microorganisms. It is a nutrient-rich medium, and can therefore be used to culture a variety of fastidious organisms.

What does use mean in medical terms?

use. [ūs] the applying of something to a specific desired purpose. substance use substance abuse.

What will happen if you have high uric acid?

Is BHI an energy union?

At BHI Energy, our Power is in our People BHI Energy| Specialty Services has relationships with Union halls across the country and union work opportunities nationwide.

What bacteria grows on BHI agar?

Brain Heart Infusion Agar is used for the cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious microorganisms such as streptococci, meningococci and pneumococci. BHIA is recommended in Standard Methods for water testing and in antimicrobial susceptibility tests.