What is Bronching?

What is Bronching?

bronch, bronch·ing (brongk, brongk’ing) Jargonistic verb for use of a bronchoscope during examination.

What does Bucc mean?

L. bucca, cheek

What does Cardi mean?

Cardi- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “heart.” It is often used in medical and scientific terms. Cardi- comes from the Greek kardía, meaning “heart.” In fact, the English word heart and the Greek kardía are related.

Is Cardi a word root?

Cardi – root means heart. -ology – suffix means the study of.

What does Cor mean?


Acronym Definition
COR Corresponding
COR Change of Responsibility
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
COR Church of the Resurrection

What is a COR in the army?

The COR is a servicemember or Department of Defense (DOD) civilian appointed in writing by a contracting officer. The COR normally serves in this position as an additional duty, depending upon the circumstances.

What is the cost of risk?

Cost of Risk — the cost of managing risks and incurring losses. Total cost of risk is the sum of all aspects of an organization’s operations that relate to risk, including retained (uninsured) losses and related loss adjustment expenses, risk control costs, transfer costs, and administrative costs.

What is Cor food?

Kashruth Council of Canada (better known as COR), is a kosher certification agency in Canada. It is best known for its kosher supervision service, with the COR symbol found on the labels of many commercial and consumer food products.

What does Cor mean in business?

What does COR stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
COR Cost of Revenue
COR Corrected/Correction
COR Combined Operation Ratio
COR Cost of Rework (financial management)

What does Cor stand for in construction?

Change Order Request

What does Cor stand for in medical terms?

COR in Medical

3 COR Center Of Rotation Health, Healthcare, Radiology
3 COR Conditioned Orientation Reflex Otolaryngology, Health, Healthcare
3 cOR Crude Odds Ratio Health, Healthcare
3 Cor Heart Dentistry
2 COR Center for Orthopaedic Research Medicine, Technology, Science

What is the role of a contracting officer?

A Contracting Officer (CO) is a person who can bind the Federal Government of the United States to a contract. Contracting Officers hold a warrant that allows them to negotiate on behalf of the United States Government. As the Government’s agent, only COs may execute, modify, or terminate a contract.

What is FAC COR certification?

The Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer’s Representatives (FAC-COR) program is for acquisition professionals in the Federal Government performing contract management activities and functions.

What is CFCM certification?

A Certified Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM) shows that you are knowledgeable about the practice of contracts management in the federal environment. To earn the CFCM, a candidate must take and pass the Federal Knowledge module exam. Certification increases and enhances competition in the labor market.

How can I get certificates for free?

7 free certification courses you can take online

  1. HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification.
  2. Alison’s Certification in Supervision Skills.
  3. Advanced Google Analytics course.
  4. FEMA certifications.
  5. Coursera IBM Data Science Professional Certificate.
  6. edX Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies program.
  7. Google Ads Search Certification.