Common questions

What is apical Lordotic view of the lungs?

What is apical Lordotic view of the lungs?

An apical lordotic view of chest x-ray used to taken to visualise the lung apices better, to look for apical tumours like Pancoast tumour or superior sulcus tumour and apical tuberculosis.

Why is chest PA view done?

The PA view is frequently used to aid in diagnosing a range of acute and chronic conditions involving all organs of the thoracic cavity. Additionally, it serves as the most sensitive plain radiograph for the detection of free intraperitoneal gas or pneumoperitoneum in patients with acute abdominal pain.

What is a Lordotic position?

Lordosis is defined as an excessive inward curve of the spine. The spine’s natural curves position the head over the pelvis and work as shock absorbers to distribute mechanical stress during movement. Lordosis is defined as an excessive inward curve of the spine. Photo Source: Shutterstock.

How do you get Lordotic view?

Chest Apical (Lordotic) AP Position of patient Sitting reclining backwards with the hands clasped behind the head. The patient should be asked to take a deep breath and hold the breath while the exposure is taken. Position of part The top of the lungs should be visible.

What is chest PA xray?

The posteroanterior (PA) view is standardly obtained. The patient stands with the chest pressed against the radiographic plate, with hands on hips and elbows pushed in front. The radiographer will ask the patient to be still and to take a deep breath and hold it.

What is Lordotic chest xray?

The AP lordotic chest radiograph (or AP axial chest radiograph) demonstrates areas of the lung apices that appear obscured on the PA/AP chest radiographic views.

What are apices of the lungs?

apex of the lung The superior, subclavicular portion of the lung.

How far above the top of the shoulders should the IR be positioned for any decubitus position of the chest?

1 1/2-2 inches

What is the primary disadvantage of performing an AP projection of the chest rather than a PA?

What is the primary disadvantage of performing an AP projection of the chest rather than a PA? Increased magnification of the heart. Situation: A PA Chest radiograph reveals that the pendulous breasts of the patient are obscuring the base of the lungs.

What is the optimal respiration phase for a PA or lateral chest radiograph?

Chest Abdomen practice questions #2- class 3

Question Answer
Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged by diffusion within the: alveoli
What is the optimal respiration phase for a PA or lateral chest radiograph? full inspiration—second breath
The presence of gas or air in the pleural cavity is termed: pneumothorax

What kV range is recommended for imaging the upper airway?

75 to 80 kV

Which ribs are demonstrated on an AP oblique projection?

The AP oblique rib projection is performed to best demonstrate the axillary ribs.

How much Sid is recommended for the lateral projection and why?

For Lateral sternum, How much SID is recommended for the lateral projection? 72 inches, to reduce magnification of the sternum.

Where is the top of the IR positioned for an AP oblique projection of the ribs?


Term The thoracic viscera consists of the: 1.) lungs 2.) mediastinum 3.) diaphragm Definition 1 and 2
Term Where is the top of the IR positioned for an AP oblique projection of the ribs? Definition 1.5 inches inches above the upper border of the shoulder

What is the space between ribs called?

The intercostal spaces, also known as interspaces, are the space between the ribs. There are 11 spaces on each side and they are numbered according to the rib which is the superior border of the space.

Do men have an extra rib?

The takeaway. The Adam and Eve story has led some people to believe that men have one fewer rib than women. This isn’t true. The vast majority of people have 12 sets, or 24 ribs, no matter their sex.

Why do my ribs stick out when I lay down?

If your rib cage is slightly uneven or protruding, it may be due to a muscle weakness. Your abdominal muscles play a large role in holding your rib cage in place. If your muscles on one side of your body are weaker, it may be causing one side of your rib cage to stick out or sit unevenly.

Is it normal for hip bones to stick out when lying down?

If your hip bones are really sticking out, it could mean that you’re too thin. It simply means you don’t have much fat on your hips. Whether or not this is healthy depends on your body. Look up the average weight for your height and age and if you’re around that, then you’re okay.

How do you tell if you have flared ribs?

Flared rib is where the lower portion at the front of your rib cage protrudes forwards and out. It is easily identified where you can see your bottom ribs popping out. This often worsens when you reach the arms overhead.

How common is pectus excavatum?

Pectus excavatum occurs in an estimated 1 in 300-400 births, with male predominance (male-to-female ratio of 3:1). The condition is typically noticed at birth, and more than 90% of cases are diagnosed within the first year of life.

Is being able to see your ribs bad?

Those who cannot naturally show their ribs may starve themselves, exercise to a dangerous degree or even get plastic surgery to attempt to show their ribs. “Failure” to achieve this look may lead to anxiety, depression or other emotional and mental health issues.

Why can I see my ribcage?

Its perfectly normal to be able to see your ribcage, but maybe you should try to get a bit more flesh on your bones, if its overall skininess. Eat more and exercise, and you will build up muscle. If not, then don’t worry about it! So long as you are fit, that’s the most important thing.

How do I know if I am skinny?

Am I Too Skinny: 15 Symptoms And Signs To Look Out For

  1. You have a very tiny waist.
  2. Clothes don’t fit.
  3. You are skinny if you have thin skin with little or no visible fat underneath (subcutaneous fat)
  4. You are too skinny if your breastplate is more pronounced than your two breasts.
  5. You are skinny if you have huge eye-bags.

Should I be able to see my hip bones?

No. Seeing at least the outline or hint of your hip bones is natural, normal and healthy. If you look like this and someone (generally another woman, men would be too busy checking you out) says that you are too skinny, that’s likely jealously talking.