Common questions

What is another word for thrown out?

What is another word for thrown out?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for throw out, like: throw away, discard, reject, drum-out, expel, kick out, toss, discharge, oust, be-quiet and put away.

What is a better word for throw?

Some common synonyms of throw are cast, fling, hurl, pitch, sling, and toss.

What is the meaning of to throw out?

1a : to remove from a place, office, or employment usually in a sudden or unexpected manner. b : to get rid of as worthless or unnecessary. 2 : to give expression to : utter threw out a remark … that utterly confounded him— Jean Stafford.

How do we call the items we throw away?

  1. rubbish,
  2. scrap,
  3. trash,
  4. waste.

What are the types of throwing?

The four standard throwing events — shot put, discus, hammer, and javelin — all involve the use of implements of various weights and shapes that are hurled for distance.

What is the meaning of the phrasal verb throw out?

​to decide not to accept a proposal, an idea, etc. (also throw something away) to get rid of something that you no longer want.

How do you throw out?

throw out ​Definitions and Synonyms throw someone out of something: She threw him out of the house. Anybody who cheats will be thrown out of the team. The judge threw out their claim.

What is the difference between throw out and throw away?

Use “throw away” if you don’t know where it’s going to be thrown. “Throw out” is also common, though not as much. “Get rid of” is the most common, for if you’re willing to throw out the idea of “throw”. “Throw in” always means to give up – cf.

What is the past tense of throw away?

threw away
throw away ​Definitions and Synonyms

present tense
he/she/it throws away
present participle throwing away
past tense threw away
past participle thrown away

What is another name for building something that is made to be replaced or thrown away?

Sloan often used the term dynamic obsolescence, but critics coined the name of his strategy planned obsolescence.

What is another word for thrown away?

Synonyms for thrown away. blown, dissipated, fiddled away, frittered (away), lavished, lost, misspent, run through,

What is another word for throwing over?

Synonyms for throwing over. balking (at), declining, deselecting, disapproving, negativing, nixing, passing, passing up,

What does threw my back out mean?

Throwing out your back is a circumstance in which a painful, debilitating spasm in your back occurs suddenly, out of nowhere, causing your back to seize up. It can be caused by a forceful exertion such as moving furniture, or even something as simple as a sneeze.

What is another word for thrown off?

Synonyms for throw off. abstract, call off, detract, distract, divert.