Common questions

What is a word for unable to walk?

What is a word for unable to walk?

disability, disqualification, impotence, inadequacy, incapability, incapacity, incompetence, ineptitude, powerlessness.

What’s another word for walking?

  • amble,
  • mosey,
  • perambulate,
  • ramble,
  • saunter,
  • stroll,
  • wander.

What does Sadly enough mean?

1 feeling sorrow; unhappy. 2 causing, suggestive, or expressive of such feelings. a sad story. 3 unfortunate; unsatisfactory; shabby; deplorable.

What is opposite of sadly?

cheerfully, delightedly, lightly, casually, cheerily, nonchalantly, joyfully, gaily, joyously, good-naturedly, gladly, gleefully, indifferently, mirthfully, blissfully, dispassionately, Rejoicingly, merrily, favorably, lightheartedly, easily, blithely, calmly, impassively, stoically, sunnily, unconcernedly, well.

What does grievously mean?

adj. 1. Causing grief, pain, or anguish: a grievous loss.

How do you spell badly?

Correct spelling for the English word “badly” is [bˈadli], [bˈadli], [b_ˈa_d_l_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is it I want you so bad or badly?

There’s no subtle grammatical point, here. The verb, want, is being modified, so you need an adverb (“badly”). The reason you hear “I want it so bad” is just because a lot of people often use adjectives where they should use adverbs.

Is badly a real word?

The word bad is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns and pronouns. Badly, like most words ending in -ly, is an adverb and is used to modify verbs. So it would be appropriate to use an adverb ending in -ly to describe how she has done . . . and unfortunately for Amanda, it is badly. She did badly on the test.

Does one feel badly or bad?

Is It ‘Feel Bad’ or ‘Feel Badly’? Feel bad is the grammatically correct version when describing that you don’t feel well physically or emotionally. “Feel,” like all other sense verbs, can double as an action verb or a “linking verb,” where it connects the subject with a clause describing the subject.

Is I feel badly for him correct grammar?

In this case bad is an adjective that we use with the linking verbs: feel, is, seems, looks, or appears. When you are referring to a sense of touch, then badly is used as an adverb describing the verb to feel or touch. The correct way to say the sentence is, “I feel bad for him because he didn’t make the cut.”

How do you know you’re not feeling well?

There are a few ways to express how we feel:

  1. “I don’t feel well.” “I am feeling sick.”
  2. “I am feeling very tired today.” “I have been feeling very run-down lately.”
  3. “I have a bad headache.” “I have a sore arm.”
  4. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Maybe you should go home to bed?”
  5. “I’m still not feeling well.”

Are u feeling better?

Used to ask someone who has been feeling unwell, either physically or emotionally, if there has been an improvement in their condition.

Are you feeling OK now?

A phrase used to ask someone if they are feeling fine, especially when one suspects they may not be. I heard you were sick earlier this week—are you feeling OK now?

What did you feel or how did you feel?

The question “What did you feel?” is asking what was felt physically, by touch. Asking “How did you feel?” is asking what emotion someone felt, not physically, here is an example: Person A: How did you feel?

Is it feel or Feal?

The words feal, feel sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. The answer is simple: feal, feel are homophones of the English language.

How do you feel today reply?

Respond by saying, “Actually, I’ve been feeling…” or “You know, I have been feeling…” If you are feeling depressed or going through a tough time, you could also mention that so that your loved ones can help you. For example, you may respond, “Actually, I’ve been feeling a little down lately.

How is everyone at home reply?

Answer: How are everyone at home ? We’ve used are instead of is as in the question , they’ve been mentioned that ” everyone ” which means a plural word .