Common questions

What is a word for grouping together?

What is a word for grouping together?

What is another word for group together?

associate connect
combine join
unite affiliate
attach correlate
mix pair

What is another term for combination?

What is another word for combination?

amalgamation blend
mix mixture
amalgam compound
composite fusion
meld alloy

Is for grouping things together?

Answer: sorting is process of grouping similar things together.

Are grouped together meaning?

countable noun [with singular or plural verb] A group of people or things is a number of people or things which are together in one place at one time.

Is it combine or combined?

Combine is appropriate in the VOA quote. It is the main verb of the sentence, indicating that rates are combining with population. Combined with would be ungrammatical; the dependent clause introduced by as would have no main verb because combined would be a participle. I feel ‘combine with’ is the correct form.

What is the antonyms of combination?

combination. Antonyms: division, disunion, disruption, dissolution, dispersion, analysis, opposition, resistance, non-location, removal. Synonyms: union, association, consortment, concert, confederacy, alliance, league, coalition, cabal, synthesis, co-operation.

How do you group objects in a Word document?

To group images, shapes, and other objects together open a Word document. Choose the objects you need to move or modify. To do this, simply press and hold CTRL while you click each of the objects. Remember, the group function is only enabled when you select more than one object.

Which is the best definition of the word combination?

1 a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things the act or an instance of joining two or more things into one a number of businesses or enterprises united for commercial advantage an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protection

Can You group multiple shapes together in word?

With this feature available in Word 2016, you can work with multiple shapes or pictures as if they are a single entity. You can resize, move, or even rotate them all together with one move. This is very helpful if you have complex images or drawings that are incorporated into your document.

How do I combine multiple Word documents into one document?

To begin, open a new or existing Microsoft Word document. This is the “master” document where you’ll combine all of your Word documents into a single file. From the ribbon bar, click the “Insert” tab. You’ll need to locate the “Object” button in the “Text” section. The icon may be large or small, depending on your screen