What is a wh question?

What is a wh question?

Wh-questions are questions that begin with one of the eight “wh ” words: who, whose, what, when, which, why, where and how. Questions formed with “wh ” words ask about the word or phrase the “wh ” word replaces. When the question word is the subject, the word order doesn’t change: “Columbus discovered America in 1492.”

What aye means?


Why do they say sir yes sir?

In the movies, why do they always say “sir, yes, sir” etc. in USMC boot camp when in reality it’s simply “yes, sir” etc.? Because it’s exactly what we were required to do in Recruit Training. “The first words out of your &^^%$ mouth will be Sir and the last word will be Sir” was the rule of the land.

Can you call a girl sir?

In the American military, you would never address a female officer as “Sir.” In the United States, you would address the officer as “Ma’am” and not “Sir”. It’s considered disrespectful to use the term “Sir” for a female in both the army/navy and outside.

Can Sir be used for female?

If not specifically using their rank or title, ‘sir’ is used in the United States Armed Forces to address a male, senior commissioned officer or civilian. Male British police officers of the rank of Inspector or above are addressed as ‘Sir’ (women of inspecting rank are called Ma’am).

Is it polite to say yes ma am?

Yes ma’am is a polite way of affirming something an older or superior woman has said, often used to show sass or excitement in response to something more generally.

Is it polite to say ma am?

In most cases, the person calling you “ma’am” sounds rude, not polite. “Ma’am” isn’t supposed to be a title showing respect for an older woman. It’s supposed to refer to a married woman. Not all older women are married, and a lot of younger women are.

What is another way to say yes sir?

Yessir Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for yessir?

yes yeah
yea yup
absolutely agreed
alright indeed
sure OK

What can I use instead of ma am?

‘, ‘Mrs. ‘, ‘Ms. ‘, or ‘Miss’. ‘Miss’ is often used in a similar way to ‘Ma’am’ despite doubling as an honorific, and ‘Mister’ is often used in a way similar to ‘Sir’ even though ‘Ma’am’ and ‘Sir’ are not honorifics.

What is another word for ma am?

other words for ma’am

  • madame.
  • Frau.
  • dame.
  • madonna.
  • signora.
  • Mrs..
  • marm.
  • señora.