What is a sorority exchange?

What is a sorority exchange?

Exchange/Mixer/Function: A social event held between two or more fraternity/sorority organizations. Expansion: A student-generated approach to starting a new fraternity/sorority organization, which includes the review of interest groups by the appropriate parties.

Can you rush a different sorority if you transfer?

If you drop after you are initiated, you cannot join another sorority. Therefore, you cannot join another sorority at a different college. However, if you are in a sorority and you transfer, you can join the same sorority. If your new college does not have your sorority, you still cannot join another sorority.

What is the oldest sorority?

Pi Beta Phi

Is being in a sorority cheaper than dorms?

A sorority house can be cheaper than the dorms Housing costs vary by chapter, but the price of living in a sorority house is often much less than living in a dorm. Butler students are required to live on campus freshman through junior years, making Greek life the more affordable option.

Do sororities only care about looks?

The only house that recruits exclusively for looks is Alpha Phi. The others look for girls with some combination of looks, academics, recommendations, personality, reputation, achievements, etc.

Can you not drink in a sorority?

Being in a sorority means you have to drink. In fact, sororities nationwide are considered dry, meaning that there is no alcohol permitted in the house or at any sorority functions.

How do you stand out during philanthropy round?


  1. Look over your list before you go into the round. Want to learn about how to create your list?
  2. Act like you are talking to your best friends.
  3. Make connections.
  4. Ask at least one question at every sorority.
  5. Stay open-minded about each sorority.
  6. Show off your personal style.

What should you not wear during rush?

Rush is not a club event. There’s no need to look like you’re going out to party. Refrain from deep necklines, booty shorts, backless dresses or cutouts, or things that are obviously too tight.

What should you not do during sorority rush?

What to NOT do during recruitment.

  • Don’t go into recruitment with only wanting to join one sorority. Like I said above, you want to stay open-minded throughout recruitment.
  • Don’t listen to gossip. You will hear gossip during recruitment.
  • Don’t only answer the members’ questions.

What do sororities do on bid day?

Bid Day: The last day of recruitment, when potential new members receive bids to join chapters and become new members. Each chapter will usually host a Bid Day activity to help the new members get to know each other and the rest of the chapter, like bowling or roller skating.