Common questions

What is a pipe in volleyball?

What is a pipe in volleyball?

Pipe : A back row set aimed at the middle of the court between a B and a C-ball [A|B|^|C|D]. Tool : An offensive attack when a hitter hits off the blocker’s hands and the ball goes down on the opposing team’s side to earn a point.

Why is it called the 10 foot line in volleyball?

10 ft (3m) line – The line that runs the width of the court 10 ft from the net is called the “10 ft line”. This line designates the boundary for jumping to attack for back-row players as well as the boundary for Liberos setting overhead to an attacker.

What is a BIC in volleyball?

The word “Bic” is a shortened and condensed form of the words, “Back Row Quick.” It is a really fast back row set usually based off of the setters position, when the setter sets the ball.

Can you block serve in volleyball?

Basically, the answer to the question “can a player block a serve in volleyball?” is NO, the players on the receiving team are not allowed to directy block an opponent’s service.

What is the most difficult play in volleyball?

Setter is probably objectively the hardest; the spatial awareness demands and quick decision-making necessary are insane. It’s not like the position is particularly easy to play physically either.

What are illegal hits in volleyball?

An illegal hit is: 1) slapping the ball, 2) bumping the ball with two separated hands (hands must be together), 3) carrying the ball, 4) palming the ball, 5) directing the ball. *NOTE: in order to not be a illegal hit, the ball must leave players hand immediately upon contact of the ball.

What is an illegal block in volleyball?

A back-row player attempting to play a ball above the net is considered an illegal back-row blocker if the ball is attacked or blocked by an opponent into the back-row player while that player is reaching above the height of the net.

What are the 4 main skills in volleyball?

The six basic volleyball skills are passing, setting, spiking, blocking, digging, and serving. Passing is often thought of as the most important skill in volleyball. If you can’t pass the serve, then you won’t ever put your team in a position to score a point. The importance of serving is often undervalued.

Who can block in volleyball?

A block is a defensive playing action at the net. A block may be performed by one front row player or a combination of front row players jumping near the net in front of an opposing attacker. The goal is to block the spiked ball with the hands or arms preventing the spiker from a successful attack.

What is a good kill percentage in volleyball?


What are the 5 basic skills in volleyball?

The following are described: serving, passing (forearm underhand passing), setting (overhead passing), attack options (hitting/spiking), blocking (from attack and defend positions), and defensive skills (rolling & sliding).

What is the actual height of volleyball net?

7 feet, 11 ⅝ inches

What is the size of volleyball?

Volleyball characteristics

Circumference cm (inches) Mass grams (ounces)
Standard indoor 65-67 (25.5-26.5) 260-280 (9.2-9.9)
Youth indoor 63-65 (25-26) 260-280 (9.2-9.9)
Beach 66-68 (26-27) 260-280 (9.2-9.9)

Who is the father of volleyball?

William G. Morgan

What are the two types of volleyball?

There are two main kinds of competitive volleyball played in the world right now. They are team volleyball and beach volleyball. Both are Olympic sports and have competitive leagues. Team volleyball is played indoors on a hard court with 6 people per team.

What’s the original name for volleyball?
