Common questions

What is a ole Pilikia?

What is a ole Pilikia?

‘A’ole pilikia: Pronounced ah-oh-leh pee-lee-kee-yah. Use this phrase if someone thanks you. It means “you’re welcome.”

What is the correct response to Mahalo?

If someone says mahalo how do you respond? Mahalo is the Hawaiian word for “thanks”. If you don’t want to respond in English, you can always use the Hawaiian phrase for “you’re welcome” which could be either of the following: ʻAʻole pilikia (No problem), pronounced ah-o-lay pee-lee-kee-ah.

How do you respond to Aloha?

Aloha means both “hello,” and “goodbye,” and is used as a greeting when seeing someone for the first time and wishing them well at parting. If someone says “Aloha” to you, say it right back. Mahalo means “thank you.” If someone does you a kindness, don’t be shy about saying, “Mahalo,” to them.

Which world is used in Hawaiian both to greet and to say goodbye?


Which word is used in Hawaiian to say goodbye?

List of English words of Hawaiian origin

Hawaiian word Meaning Definition link
Aloha Hello, goodbye, and love; outside of Hawaiʻi, only the first two meanings are used. Link
ʻAwa A Polynesian shrub, Piper methysticum, of the pepper family, the aromatic roots of which are used to make an intoxicating beverage. Link

How do Hawaiians greet each other?

Hawaiians often greeted each other by sharing ha, or their breath. This exchange of breath is done when two people press together the bridge of their noses while inhaling at the same time.

What does so Ono mean?

When something is ono it is “delicious”. Since Hawaii is a melting post of delicious food (or ono grinds, in Hawaiian pidgin), be sure to look for restaurants that advertise their food as “ono”.

What culture touches foreheads?

The ‘Hongi’ is a traditional Maori greeting in New Zealand used by the Maori people. To hongi you press your nose and forehead together with the nose and forehead of the person you are greeting. Many people of Maori decent prefer to hongi, instead of shaking hands.

What is a traditional Hawaiian gift?

While coffee, macadamia nuts, hula skirts and Polynesian tee-shirts all represent Hawaiian culture, there are other gifts that showcase Hawaiian legend and craftsmanship. Traditional Hawaiian gifts represent the beauty of the Islands, the deep Polynesian culture and the history of the Hawaiian people.

What is the best souvenir from Hawaii?

Best Hawaiian Souvenirs to Bring Back Home

  • Ukulele.
  • Koa Wood Products.
  • Macadamia Nuts.
  • Hawaiian Quilt.
  • Hawaiian Shirt.
  • Hawaiian Music.
  • Lei Necklaces.
  • Kona Coffee.

What do Hawaiians call themselves?

Native Hawaiians, also known as Kanaka Maoli, are the indigenous or aboriginal people (and their descendants) of the Hawaiian islands. Their ancestors were the original Polynesians who sailed to Hawai’i and settled the islands around the 5th century AD.

Why does Hawaii have the best healthcare?

Hawaii’s No. 1 ranking was attributed to its high marks in factors like access and affordability, avoidable hospital use and cost, and prevention and treatment. “This shows that Hawaii has among the lowest premiums since enacting the Prepaid Health Care Act. Hawaii does well on employer spending.

Why do Micronesians wear skirts?

She says, the loose-fitting skirt is a sure tell sign of Micronesian identity. “This is what girls wear,” says Billiam. In this space, there were no stereotypes to combat.

What language is Micronesian?
