Common questions

What is a nupp in knitting?

What is a nupp in knitting?

The nupp stitch is a quick method for making a cluster of stitches that pop out of your knitted fabric. To make a nupp stitch, you are essentially taking one stitch, increasing it to five stitches, then on the next row decreasing it back to one stitch. In doing so create a glob of stitches, i.e nupp.

What does Knit 1 Purl 1 look like?

If you are to knit 1 purl 1, it means you will knit one stitch and then purl the next stitch. To make writing and reading patterns quicker and more efficient, knitting abbreviations are used so a pattern may show it as k1 p1. Knit 1 purl 1 means that the first stitch is knitted and the next stitch is purled.

What does end on wrong side mean in knitting?

Ending with a wrong side row means that you complete a wrong side row before moving on to the next instruction in your pattern. So, in the next step, the right side is facing you.

Should you always slip first stitch when knitting?

When slipping the first stitch of a row, always slip it purlwise, as this preserves the stitch orientation, keeping the right leg to the front, so that it’s properly positioned for next time you need to work it. That is, slip the stitch with yarn in back if it’s a knit row; in front if it’s a purl row.

Does the cast on count as a row?

The cast on itself is not counted, however, some cast on methods create both a cast on and a knitted row. For example, the most popular cast on, the long tail method, creates both a cast on and a knitted row. So in this case, you would count that as the first row.

What is wrong side knitting?

Right side in knitting patterns is often abbreviated as RS, while wrong side is written as WS. The right side of your knitting is the face of the fabric. This is the side that will be on the outside of a garment. The wrong side is the back side of the fabric, and will be on the inside of a garment.

How do you join different color wool in knitting?

Joining a new colour

  1. When you are at the point you want to change colour, take your new colour and your yarn tail and tie them together in a loose knot.
  2. Take your right needle and insert it into your first stitch, now take your new colour and start knitting with it.
  3. When you have finished your knitting.

Can you change yarn in the middle of a row knitting?

Starting a New Ball in the Middle When you see that you’re getting pretty close to the end of your first ball, pick up the yarn from the second ball. Then drop the old yarn and continue knitting with the new yarn. Once you’ve knit a couple of rows after the join, gently tug the work to even out the tension a bit.

Why do you knit through back loop?

Knitting through the back loop has a few functions, but the most obvious is that it twists the knit stitch. It’s also used for other useful techniques like increasing, neatening edges and properly mounting stitches on the needle when they get twisted the wrong way.