Common questions

What is a nice word for old?

What is a nice word for old?

Synonyms & Antonyms of old

  • aged,
  • aging.
  • (or ageing),
  • ancient,
  • elderly,
  • geriatric,
  • long-lived,
  • older,

What can I say instead of getting older?

What is another word for growing old?

agingUS ageingUK
moribund becoming obsolete
disappearing unfashionable
out of date antiquated
obsolete archaic

How do you say getting older?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for getting old, like: getting up in years, aging, maturing, senescent, seasoning, wearing-out, wilting, fading, growing and not as young as one used to be.

What is a synonym for ageless?

Ageless synonyms Not ending; having no end. In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ageless, like: timeless, unending, olamic, dateless, enduring, perpetual, eterne, aeonian, everliving, unsurpassable and eonian.

What is a word for aging gracefully?

What is another word for age gracefully?

age well age like fine wine
age with dignity get better with age
grow old gracefully look good for one’s age
look young for one’s age take care of oneself
keep in shape live a healthy lifestyle

How do you describe an old person?

Specifically they looked at the use of the terms “geriatric,” “aged,” “old,” “older,” and “elderly” in Pubmed. Here is what they found: We liked using the term “aged” in publications before 1961, but “aged” quickly lost its appeal over the next decade.

What is the synonym of vibrant?

In this page you can discover 55 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for vibrant, like: lively, energetic, vivid, bright, glowing, animated, colorful, vigorous, radiant, active and brilliant.

What is the word for aging process?

Gerontology is the scientific study of the process of aging.

What is defined as old?

For statistical and public administrative purposes, however, old age is frequently defined as 60 or 65 years of age or older.

What are some synonyms for old?

old, older(adj) skilled through long experience. “an old offender”; “the older soldiers”. Synonyms: quondam(a), elder, previous(a), senior, older, old, sr., old(a), former(a), one-time(a), honest-to-god, erstwhile(a), honest-to-goodness, onetime(a), aged, sure-enough(a), sometime(a), elderly.

What are other words that mean old?

Aged: advanced in age,typical of old age; also,at an age

  • Aging: advancing in age,or the concept of growing older
  • Ancient: aged,old-fashioned,or pertaining to long-ago times,or see venerable
  • Anile: pertaining to or resembling an old woman,or see senile
  • Antiquated: of advanced age,or out of fashion or style
  • Archaic: pertaining to an earlier time
  • What is another word for “very old”?

    other words for very old. age-old. antiquated. timeworn. aged. antique. elderly. lot of mileage. old.

    How do you define old?

    The definition of old is advanced in age or having been around for awhile. An example of old is the age of 120. An example of old is milk that is past its expiration date. Old is used to mean people advanced in age collectively or days past. An example of old is a group of elderly people in a senior citizens home.