Common questions

What is a japanologist?

What is a japanologist?

: a specialist in the study of Japan and the Japanese.

What is a Weeboo?

Urban dictionary states: weeboo. An overly zealous anime fan, usually a newer or younger fan to anime who is very loud and excited about anime. These fans are the loud minority of fans that are very upfront and loud about anime in public – unlike the silent majority of anime fans.

What do you call a cute anime girl?

To put it simply, “kawaii” means cute. Since the Japanese word stems from kanji meaning “to love,” whatever you find lovely and charming can be considered kawaii.

What can you do with a Japanese studies degree?

You can teach at a higher level, get jobs in the government, be a translator, an interpreter, or anything else of the sort. Since most people aren’t at this level when they graduate, you’ll be head and shoulders above the rest, and that’s great.

Is Japanese a good major?

Definitely not as a primary major. Ideally major in something with good career prospects and study Japanese on the side. Not as a second major unless it doesn’t require you to take any extra classes other than Japanese language classes which you were already going to take.

How much do Japanese to English translators make?

The average japanese english translator salary in the USA is $126,750 per year or $65 per hour. Entry level positions start at $126,750 per year while most experienced workers make up to $126,750 per year.

Is a minor in Japanese useful?

Basically, do not expect to land any job just because you have a Japanese minor, your minor will be relevant if you can back it up with a decent Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), or maybe even some study abroad or work experience within Japan or with a Japanese company.

Is Japanese useful outside of Japan?

Yes, learning Japanese is useful even outside of Japan.

Is it good to minor in a language?

Long story short, a language minor is a good idea mainly if you only want to get a more thorough insight into the “world” of a language solely for the sake of educating yourself. In this case you might even get away with not speaking the language well enough (or at all) when taking up the minor.

Should I take Japanese in college?

Japanese is not worth a lot really. And you can learn Japanese on your own much faster than in college classes anyway. I’d advise you to get a normal degree while studying Japanese on your own. Career-wise, there could be better options than learning Japanese as an economics major.

What are the benefits of learning Japanese?

Five not-so-obvious benefits of learning Japanese for work and business

  • It raises your status in the workplace.
  • You will become more approachable.
  • You can further appreciate Japanese culture and entertainment.
  • It’s a self-imposed challenge.
  • It opens up more doors and job opportunities.

Is Japanese still worth learning?

It is absolutely worth learning some basic, everyday words and phrases, even if you have no intention whatsoever of ever attempting to become fluent in Japanese. The good news is, there are a few phrases are absolutely music to the ears of literally ALL Japanese people.

Is Japanese useful?

122 million people speak Japanese as their native language, making it one of the most spoken foreign languages in the world. Learning Japanese can be one of the most useful languages to know for those who work in the automotive, communications, and financial sectors.

What is the definition of kanji?

: a Japanese system of writing that utilizes characters borrowed or adapted from Chinese writing also : a single character in the kanji system — compare kana.

Should I learn Katakana or Hiragana first?

The use of katakana is limited to only certain words, so it’d be more helpful to start with hiragana. IF you are going to Japan anytime soon, though, I’d recommend learning katakana first since you would be able to read a lot more things knowing it (especially menus and stuff!)