Common questions

What is 5P2?

What is 5P2?

5P2 means a permutation of 5 things taken 2 at a time. Start with the first number (which in this case is 5), and count down for a total of 2 numbers: 5P2 = 5*4 = 20.

What is the value of 5 p2?

5P2 = 5! / (5 – 2)! = 5 x 4 x 3! / 3! Now, 7C3 = 7! / (7 – 3)! 3!

How do you solve 10c4?

10 CHOOSE 4 = 210 possible combinations. 210 is the total number of all possible combinations for choosing 4 elements at a time from 10 distinct elements without considering the order of elements in statistics & probability surveys or experiments.

What is the value of 12 C 2?

12 CHOOSE 2 = 66 possible combinations….What is 12 CHOOSE 2 or 12C2?

n CHOOSE k nCk Combinations
11 CHOOSE 2 11C2 55
11 CHOOSE 3 11C3 165
12 CHOOSE 1 12C1 12
12 CHOOSE 2 12C2 66

What is C in median formula?

cf represents the cumulative frequency of the class interval preceding the median class; f represents the corresponding frequency of the median class interval; h represents the width of the median class interval.

What does C stand for in stats?

The superscript c means “complement” and Ac means all outcomes not in A. So, P(AcB) means the probability that not-A and B both occur, etc.

How do you find C in statistics?

The c-statistic is equal to the AUC (area under the curve), and can also be calculated by taking all possible pairs of individuals consisting of one individual who experienced a positive outcome and one individual who experienced a negative outcome….

What is a good C index?

It is equal to the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and ranges from 0.5 to 1. A value below 0.5 indicates a very poor model. A value of 0.5 means that the model is no better than predicting an outcome than random chance. Values over 0.7 indicate a good model….

What is a good C statistic?

The C-statistic can range from 0.50 to 1.00, with higher values indicating better predictive models. A rough rule for interpretation is that C-statistics above 0.80 indicate very good models, between 0.70 and 0.80 good models, and between 0.50 and 0.70 weak models.

Is C statistic the same as AUC?

We let AUC denote the area under the ROC curve, which is equivalent to the c-statistic….

What is Harrell’s C statistic?

Harrell’s C-index (also known as the concordance index) introduced in Harrell et al. 1982, is a goodness of fit measure for models which produce risk scores. It is commonly used to evaluate risk models in survival analysis, where data may be censored. Survival data….

What is concordance in logistic regression?

Concordance & Discordance Percent Concordant: Percentage of pairs where the observation with the desired outcome (event) has a higher predicted probability than the observation without the outcome (non-event). (Number of concordant pairs)/Total number of pairs….

What is concordance analysis?

Concordance analysis is needed to establish the validity of a new diagnostic measuring or rating technique or to demonstrate the near-equivalence of multiple measuring or rating techniques….

What does concordance value mean?

Concordance, as used in genetics, usually means the presence of the same trait in both members of a pair of twins. However, the strict definition is the probability that a pair of individuals will both have a certain characteristic, given that one of the pair has the characteristic.

What is concordant value?

Concordant readings: If readings have been taken several times and the readings are identical, or close to each other, then they are described as concordant.

How many times should a titration be repeated?

A titration is repeated at least three times in order to provide a statistically valid answer. It’s a form of volumetric analysis to uncover the concentration of a substance, and the readings should all be within a very small number of units of one another.

Why do we take base in burette?

Since acid has lower pH than base, acid is highly reactive and vulnerable than base. If we take acid in an burette solution, it should be properly opened, closed during the end point of reaction. This is the reason to take acid in an conical flask and base in an burette.

What is the most accurate way to read in a titration?

Calibrate Your Electrode Regularly A pH electrode should be calibrated each day (at least once) it is used to get the most accurate reading. A two-point method is typically sufficient, as long as the appropriate buffers are used….