What God is Vishnu?

What God is Vishnu?

Vishnu is the god of Preservation, the great maintainer who often appears in various incarnations (avatara) to provide salvation for humanity. Some of his best-known avatars, who are tremendously popular and beloved throughout Hindu India, are the gods Krishna and Rama.

What is the weapon of Lord Vishnu?

Kaumodaki (IAST: Kaumodakī) is the gadā (mace) of the Hindu god Vishnu. Vishnu is often depicted holding the Kaumodaki in one of his four hands; the other attributes are the chakra, the conch and the lotus. The gada is also found in the iconography of some of Vishnu’s avatars.

Can Vishnu die?

-> The life span of the universe is one “maha kalpa”. i.e. 311.04 trillion human years. This time span is also the duration of one breath of “Vishnu” (the ultimate god in hindu religion). When “Vishnu” inhales, all universes get sucked and Brahma dies.

How many wives Vishnu have?

three wives

Why Lord Vishnu is not Worshipped?

B. Vishnu knew that it is impossible to find the end points of Shiva’s lingam so he didn’t even try. Lord Shiva became furious at this lie. He then cursed Brahma that he would never be worshipped by any human being. He also cursed the Ketaki flower that it would not be used in any Hindu ritual.

Who is most powerful Shiva or Vishnu?

For example, the Dvaita school holds Vishnu alone to be the supreme God, with Shiva subordinate, and interprets the Puranas differently. For example, Vijayindra Tîrtha, a Dvaita scholar interprets the 18 puranas differently.

Who can defeat Arjuna?

Only Abhimanyu, Bhishma, Drona and Karna have the slightest chance to defeat Arjuna in archery. Sword fighting – Arjuna’s sword fight skills were shown when he fought Shiva to obtain Pashupastra. But in one verse, it states that Satyaki, Nakula, Sahadeva and Dushasana were the best swordsmen of that era.

Who came first Lord Shiva or Vishnu?

This scepticism is found in Upanishads too, although many attempts are made. Later, in Tantras, we are told that matter came first as the Goddess, and from her came the mind, taking three male forms: Brahma, the priest; Vishnu, the king; Shiva, the ascetic….

Why did Lord Vishnu fight Shiva?

Lord Shiva hurts Lord Vishnu in the fight. He understands the importance of completeness in life. Lord Shiva forgets his anger. Lord Shiva allows Vasuki to enter his place….

Who gives Moksha Shiva or Vishnu?

lord Jagannath: The only god who gives moksha. The name Jagannath is universally popular not only among the Hindus as their prime deity but also it is equally popular among other religions. The word Jagannath is a combination of two words Jagat Nath….

Who is father of Vishnu?

God Shiva

Why Lord Vishnu has no child?

We All are His Children. Once Mata Lakshmi had curses Lord Vishnu, The Supreme personality, that without her (Mata Lakshmi), his son would be burnt by Lord Shiva. Because, Lord Shiva has all along his family. Lord Vishnu also cursed Mata Lakshmi that she would have no any children like others.

Who created Lord Vishnu?


How did Vishnu come into existence?

People often wonder how Lord Vishnu came into being or how he was born. Soon after giving birth to Brahma for creating life on earth, Vishnu produced Lord Shiva from his forehead, to end the journey of the varied forms of life. Thus, he entrusted Brahma and Mahesh with their respective duties to form a life cycle….

Who is the son of Shiva and Vishnu?


How many avatars does god Vishnu have?


What are 10 avatars of Vishnu?

The most popular ten avatars based on many puranas are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki. The Shiva Purana has Balarama on the list as 8th Avatar – Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Balarama, Krishna, and Kalki.

Why is Lord Vishnu blue?

The legends tell us that Lord Krishna had drunk poisoned milk given by a demon when he was a baby and that had caused the bluish tinge in his skin….