Common questions

What GED means?

What GED means?

General Educational Development Test

What is a GED called now?

Test Assessing Secondary Completion

Is the GED easy or hard?

The GED® test is hard because it is very time-pressured. But if you prepare with good resources, the GED is quite easy. The GED test is also easy because it is NOT tricky. The GED is a pretty straightforward test; you can easily get ready for it in a few weeks or months (depending on your educational background).

Can I pass GED without studying?

First of all, you need to know that passing the GED test without studying is not for everyone. If your reading comprehension skills are strong, the chances are that you can pass the Social Studies, Science, and RLA (Literacy) GED subtests. These three tests are so-called open book tests.

What type of math is on GED test?

Topics on the GED Math are number operations and number sense (about 20% to 30% of the test), measurement & geometry (approximately 20% to 30% of the test), data analysis and statistics (about 20% to 30% ), and Algebra (approximately 25% to 30%of the test). There are two parts on the Mathematical Reasoning section.

Is HiSET or GED better?

The HiSET exam is a similar test, but it has a number of advantages over the GED. Moreover, the consensus opinion of educational experts is that the HiSET math section is slightly easier than the corresponding section of the GED, but without being an unfair reflection of student readiness for the workforce.

Is it ever too late to get your GED?

As soon as you want to complete your high school equivalency, the opportunities are there to do so with no maximum age limit! We’ve also had amazing success stories from 70 to 90 year-olds, proving it’s never too late!

Is the GED multiple choice?

The GED is a computer-based test. The types of questions you’ll see include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, drop-down, and extended response, among others. Each exam has a possible score range of 100-200 points, with a passing score of 145.

How can I pass my GED math test?

After reading this guide, take a free practice test so you’ll know you’ll be all set to take on the GED Math test….10 Tips for the Math GED Test

  1. Take and Use Notes.
  2. Study on Your Mobile Device.
  3. Set Goals.
  4. Learn from Wrong Answers.
  5. Study Every Day.
  6. Read Questions Carefully.
  7. Eliminate Wrong Answers.
  8. Skip Hard Questions.

Is GED com legit?

yes its their official site. Yes. It’s their official site from the people who compile these tests.