What fish can go with triggerfish?

What fish can go with triggerfish?

Some fish often kept with triggerfish include moray eels (Muraenidae), squirrelfish (Holocentridae) , lionfish (Pterois) , groupers (Epinephelinae), snappers (Lutjanidae), large hawkfish (genus Paracirrhites), certain wrasses (such as hogfish, tuskfish, banana wrasses), large angelfish, surgeonfish, Arothron pufferfish …

What do Niger triggers eat?

It vocalizes using a “grunting” sound. They are a great active fish for the more aggressive, fish-only display. The Niger Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.

Can Trigger fish live with clownfish?

If all you are looking at is a fish only with live rock, you should not have a problem. However, some triggers (i.e.-clown triggers) are very aggressive and should probably not be kept with small fish.

How much does a clown triggerfish cost?

Item # Description Price
002684 Clown Triggerfish , Tiny: up to 1″, Indo Pacific $139.99
002686 Clown Triggerfish , Small: over 1-1.5″, Indo Pacific $149.99
002688 Clown Triggerfish , Medium: over 1.5-3.5″, Indo Pacific $179.99
002690 Clown Triggerfish , Large: over 3.5-5.5″, Indo Pacific $299.99

What do clown triggerfish eat?

Like all triggerfishes, the clown triggerfish has very strong jaws and broad teeth, perfect for eating its preferred prey, hard-shelled invertebrates like sea urchins, crustaceans, and mollusks.

Are Clown tangs aggressive?

The Clown Tang, also known as the Clown Surgeonfish, Lined Surgeonfish, or Blue-banded Surgeonfish, has horizontal blue striping on a bright yellow to orange background. It is aggressive towards other Tangs, Surgeonfish, and fish with similar body shapes or feeding patterns.

Are Clown tangs hard to keep?

The Clown Tang has alternating cyan blue and yellow horizontal stripes with a white belly. Overall Clown Tangs are very active swimmers and can become quite an aggressive fish in the confines of an aquarium. Tanks in the range of 240 gallons or more should be the minimum for keeping one of these clown tangs.

Are tangs aggressive?

Tangs are also more likely to be aggressive in the home aquaria because they are stressed and in smaller quarters. Even the best hobbyists have questionable environments compared to their natural homes in the ocean.

Are powder blue tangs reef safe?

Active Member. They are very reef safe, however they can be very territorial once established, particularly to new fish.

Can you keep two tangs together?

Can you keep multiple Tangs together? Yes, is the simple answer, but it’s not always easy. Tangs are a territorial species, and they don’t always play nicely together, but if you have a big enough tank, there is no reason you can’t see success with multiple species of Tang.

How fast do powder blue tangs grow?

So, given an adult max size of ~10″ that means most tangs would be fully grown in 4-5 years.

Will blue tangs eat corals?

Tangs can, in rare specimens, eat coral. They are going for the zooxanthellae.

What is the easiest tang to keep?

Yellow Tang

Which Tang is the hardiest?

IMO..the hardiest is the yellow tang…but they are so dang mean, they think everything within 6 feet is their spot alone..

How much do yellow tangs cost?

A regular everyday once-common Hawaiian yellow tang will now set you back $449 plus shipping from Wisconsin while a 4.5″ “Large” yellow tang from the Diver’s Den is now $549 (plus shipping).

Are yellow tangs good for beginners?

Care Level : Easy to Moderate, the yellow tang is good for saltwater beginners with a fully cycled aquarium. Temperament / Behavior : It’s best to keep only one yellow tang in your aquarium because they can become territorial with other tangs.

Are yellow tangs easy to keep?

Yellow tang need plenty of space (tanks should be over 50 gallons) and to explore every part of the tank. It is a hardy, strong fish and is fairly easy to care for.

Are yellow tangs hard to keep?

Active Member. lion king said: Tangs that small are very difficult, they need a tank with an abundance of mature rock to graze on or be acceptable to graze on nori. point is they need to eat constantly, you could also do several feedings a day including an algae food like hikari mega algae.

Can I put a blue tang in a 30 gallon?

no tangs belong in a 30 gallon tank. More than 1 dwarf angelfish is asking for trouble. Only 1 dwarf angel per tank.

Can I keep a yellow tang in 40 gallons?

I wouldn’t do a yellow tang in a 40 gallon. Way to small for a fish that gets 7 to 8 inches.

Can a yellow tang live in a 55 gallon tank?

Even more experiences confirming this can be found by folks on other sites/forums. It’s your tank and you will do what you do, but I would highly advise against getting a Yellow Tang given the relatively short time with which it would do well in a 55 gallon.

Will yellow tang eat hair algae?

Kole tangs will eat film algae though in some cases will eat hair and macro algae. For those with larger tanks, a yellow tang or a foxface/rabbitfish would be a viable candidate for hair and macro algae.

What size tank do yellow tangs need?

Yellow tangs reach lengths of up to 8 inches, so they are a pretty big fish. They need a 100-gallon tank if you plan on keeping them until adulthood, but something like a 150-gallon tank or larger would be better.

What are the smallest tangs?

One of the smallest available tangs is the Tomini Tang. This is an excellent reef friendly scavenger type fish. Commonly named for the unicorn like projection on it’s head.

Can you keep 2 yellow tangs together?

Tank isn’t big enough for more than one. As they grow each will need a larger territory, which isn’t going to work long term in a 150. They may be fine with each other while they are small, but when they get larger they will likely turn on each other.

Can a yellow tang live in a 20 gallon tank?

If it’s that small, it should be just fine in a 20 for a little while. When I started out I had a 20 gallon and got a 1.5″ convict tang. He lived in the 20 gallon with my small talbot damsel and red headed fairy wrasse just fine for a number of weeks while my 125 gallon cycled.

How long do tomini tangs live?

5 years