Common questions

What does Uh oh mean in texting?

What does Uh oh mean in texting?

Uh oh is defined as something you say when you made a mistake, or when something is going wrong or a bad thing is about to happen.

What does OHOH mean?

0. Oh-oh is defined as another way of saying uh-oh, which is something people say when they’ve made a mistake, something bad has happened or might happen.

What part of speech is uh?


How is Ugh spelled?

Ugh is defined as a way to express disgust or horror. When you walk into a room that is absolutely filthy and dirty, this is an example of when you might say “ugh.” Used to express horror, disgust, or repugnance.

How do you spell OT Oh?

Correct spelling for the English word “oh” is [ˈə͡ʊ], [ˈə‍ʊ], [ˈəʊ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What kind of word is oh?

How do you spell alone?

Correct spelling for the English word “alone” is [ɐlˈə͡ʊn], [ɐlˈə‍ʊn], [ɐ_l_ˈəʊ_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for ALONE

  1. Alleen,
  2. Alen,
  3. allen,
  4. Alaine,
  5. aleem,
  6. Alane,
  7. Alene,
  8. Alewine,

How do you spell left?

Correct spelling for the English word “left” is [lˈɛft], [lˈɛft], [l_ˈɛ_f_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for LEFT

  1. LVDA,
  2. Levite,
  3. levity,
  4. un-loved,
  5. Laved,
  6. WLFD,
  7. deft,
  8. LVID,

How do you spell loud?

Correct spelling for the English word “loud” is [lˈa͡ʊd], [lˈa‍ʊd], [l_ˈaʊ_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….14 words made out of letters LOUD

  1. 2 letters. do, lu, od, dl, lo.
  2. 3 letters. duo, old, udo, dol, luo.
  3. 4 letters. ludo, loud, ould, dulo.

What is a loud noise called?

boom. noun. a deep loud sound that continues for some time, for example the noise of thunder or an explosion.

What makes a loud sound?

Amplitude and Distance Amplitude is a measure of the size of sound waves. It depends on the amount of energy that started the waves. Greater amplitude waves have more energy and greater intensity, so they sound louder. As sound waves travel farther from their source, the more spread out their energy becomes

Who is the loudest person?

Irish teacher Annalisa Flanagan holds the world’s loudest shouting record with 121 decibels (dB), but there was no previous singing record

What is the loudest plane in the world?


Has a propeller plane broke the sound barrier?

The first pilot to officially break the sound barrier was Chuck Yeager, who did so in the rocket-powered Bell X-1 in his famous flight on October 14, 1947, at an altitude of 45,000 ft. The effect was first experienced by aircraft in World War II. ..

How loud is a sonic boom?

Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding much like an explosion; typically the shock front may approach 100 megawatts per square meter, and may exceed 200 decibels. When an aircraft is near the sound barrier, an unusual cloud sometimes forms in its wake.

Why are jet fighters so expensive?

Unlike other types of aircraft, military jets aren’t built just for flight. The kind of cutting edge technology that enables a fighter jet to fly and produce so much firepower at the same time cannot be produced at a lesser cost. Every fighter jet is made of state-of-the-art tech and state-of-the-art tech costs money.