Common questions

What does this symbol mean in proofreading?

What does this symbol mean in proofreading?

Proofreading marks (also called proofreaders’ marks) are symbols and notations for correcting typeset pages. The proofreader places these marks in the margins and in corresponding lines of text. A slash separates marginal marks that appear on the same line. Marginal.

What the word Stet is used in proof correction?

Why the word ‘stet’ is used as a proof correction sign in drafts? Ans. Stet is used to ignore the corrections dotted underneath the matter. The dotted matter may be treated as let it stand and do not delete the same.

What is the editing mark for capitalization?

Capitalize: The capitalize mark is three horizontal lines under the letter that should be capitalized. Lowercase: The lowercase mark is a line through the letter that should be lowercased.

What is the full form of Stet?

The Full form of STET is State Teacher eligibility test, or STET stands for State Teacher eligibility test, or the full name of given abbreviation is State Teacher eligibility test.

Who can apply for Stet?

Bihar STET Eligibility Criteria 2019

  • BSTET Eligibility Criteria: Exam for 9th & 10th (Secondary Level) i ) The candidate should be the citizen of India and a resident of the state of Bihar.
  • BSTET Eligibility Criteria: Exam for 11th & 12th (Senior Secondary Level) i ) The candidate should be the citizen of India and a resident of the state of Bihar.

What is Bihar STET?

About Bihar STET Exam: The Bihar STET stands for the abbreviation of Bihar Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test. BSTET is performed by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) to recruit secondary and higher secondary school teachers (classes 9- 10) and (classes 11- 12).

Is Bihar STET exam Cancelled?

Earlier Bihar STET exam 2019-2020 was cancelled after an investigation committee find out various cases of irregularities in the examination and paper leak during the exam that was held on January 28, 2020.

What is STET exam?

Until 2009, the examination was known as the State Teacher Eligibility Test (STET). The examination comprises three categories: Level I: for teaching Classes I to V (PRT) Level II: for teaching Classes VI to VIII (TGT) Level III: for post graduate teaching (PGT)

How can I become a government teacher in Bihar?

ED/ BA/ course with atleast 45% and passed/appeared in senior secondary/B. ED with the minimum 50% marks are eligible to apply. Candidates having four years bachelor’s degree in elementary course with atleast 50% are eligible to write the TET exam willing to teach class 6 to 8. Graduation with 50% and one year D.

Is TET exam tough?

TET ( TEACHING ELIGIBILITY TEST ) is the test that everyone need to pass out if he/she wants to be a government teacher. The test is however is not very tough but a good planning can only help you to pass it….Answers.

Joined: /th>
Level: Gold
Points: 10823

What is the salary of government teacher in Bihar?

Teacher salaries at Government of Bihar can range from ₹19,173-₹30,496. This estimate is based upon 2 Government of Bihar Teacher salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.

Is Ctet exam tough?

The overall difficulty level of the CTET paper 2 exam was moderate to difficult. The Child Development section of CTET Paper II exam 2019 was moderate, and many questions were asked from Child Development & Learning Theories.

Which is better Ctet or Tet?

CTET score will allow the candidates to be recruited in central government-run schools such as Kendriya Vidyalaya Navodaya Vidyala, etc. Meanwhile, the TET scores will allow the student to be recruited in one of the state government-run schools situated in a particular state.

How can I crack Ctet in 20 days?

Check complete plan to prepare well for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test….

30 Days Study Plan for CTET 2020 Exam
30 Days Papers & Subjects of CTET Exam
Day 20 Practice CTET EVS Important Questions
Day 21 Important Questions on Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answers) Social Studies – Complete Geography subject

What if I clear Ctet?

After the CTET Certificate candidates can apply for all Central Government Teaching jobs like KVS, NVS Army Teacher, ERDO, etc. Without a CTET Certificate, candidates cannot apply for Central government teaching jobs. After clearing CTET certificates there is a very good chance of getting the government teacher job.

Can I get job after Ctet?

Can I get government job after qualifying CTET? Answer: Yes, you can get job as a teacher in government schools such as KVS, NVS, ERDO, Army Teacher, and also in state government schools.

Is Ctet is valid in up?

CTET Certificate Validity Period & CutOff:

Category Qualifying Percentage CTET Validity
General 60% 7 Years

Is Ctet compulsory for KVS?

CTET is compulsory for TGT post. Those candidates who want to apply for TGT post, CTET is the compulsory exam. By visiting our website all candidates can check CTET is compulsory for TGT, PGT post.

What is the age limit for Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers?

Age Limit for KVS exam 2021

Posts Age Limit
Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) 40 years
Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) 35 years
Primary Teacher (PRT) 30 Years
Librarian 35 Years

How can I get job in KVS?

All those who interested in KV Sangathan Recruitment are required to submit an application form through KVS Jobs Apply Online link available at Contenders must note that no other mode of submission accepted other than online.

Is KVS exam held every year?

KVS Exam is conducted every year to recruit thousands of candidates for non-teaching and Teaching Jobs.

Is KVS job permanent?

There is no transfer for contractual teacher ,and for permanent teachers it is as per the kvs rules. Ed but now all the aspirants have to have a bachelor’s degree in education to be eligible to be a teacher.

Is KVS job transferable?

Notwithstanding anything contained in the guidelines, the Commissioner with the approval from the Chairman, KVS, shall be the sole competent authority to transfer any employee to any place in relaxation of any or all of the above provisions.

Do KVS teachers get pension?

Increment: Every year a minimum of 3% increment is provided by KVS to the currently working teachers which is a boost up for the teachers to perform well in their jobs. Prerequisite for retired teachers: The retired teacher will be provided with 24% of their current salary in the form of their pension until they live.

Is KVS job good?

Therefore, KVS teaching Job can offer you a reputable government job alongwith a good salary package. Before applying to the various teaching posts offered Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVS), candidates are advised to look at the eligibility criteria, age limit and the educational qualification for the respective posts.

What is the salary of JBT teacher?

After adding all allowances to the basic pay, Haryana JBT Teacher Total Salary comes around Rs. . This is the gross salary from which various deductions like NPS are done. Then after reducing the deductions from total salary, the net starting salary of PRT Teacher in Haryana comes around .

What is the salary of KVS teacher?

Contractual staff with salary

SI. No Designation Consolidated Pay
1 PGT All Subject Rs. 27500/-
2 Rs. 32500/-
3 Rs. 35000/-
4 TGT All Subject Rs. 26250/-

Which is higher TGT or PGT?

“TGT” means Trained Graduate Teacher. They are eligible for teaching only in High schools. Post graduate teacher (pgt). They teach students of higher classes like 10+2 .

What grade pay means?

Grade pay stands for the amount you will be paid at every different designation. Lets say fir example, SSC CGL has few grades. And each Grade has a different level of Post. Each Grade has a different pay scale.

Helpful tips

What does this symbol mean in proofreading?

What does this symbol mean in proofreading?

Proofreading marks (also called proofreaders’ marks) are symbols and notations for correcting typeset pages. The proofreader places these marks in the margins and in corresponding lines of text. A slash separates marginal marks that appear on the same line. Marginal.

What is the proofreading symbol for delete?

A mark is also placed in the text to indicate where the correction needs to be made. A caret (^) indicates an addition, and a line through the text indicates a deletion or a replacement. Proofreading marks are traditionally written in red ink for better visibility.

What is the delete symbol in editing?

A vertical line delete mark is made through a single letter or mark of punctuation. The letter or punctuation to be deleted may also be circled with the delete mark. A stroke through a capital letter means set it in lowercase.

What does TR mean in proofreading?

Transformation Marks

What are the common proofreading symbols?

Commonly Used Proofreading Symbols with Examples

  • New paragraph here. This symbol denotes that the writer should begin a new paragraph wherever the symbol is placed.
  • Delete; take out something.
  • Close up space.
  • Transpose elements.
  • Insert whatever is written above or below the proofreading symbol.
  • Insert en dash.
  • Insert em dash.
  • Move left.

What does Stet mean?

Stet is an obelism, used by proofreaders and editors to instruct the typesetter or writer to disregard a change the editor or proofreader had previously marked. It is a form of the Latin verb sto, stare, steti, statum.

What the word Stet is used in proof correction?

Why the word ‘stet’ is used as a proof correction sign in drafts? Ans. Stet is used to ignore the corrections dotted underneath the matter. The dotted matter may be treated as let it stand and do not delete the same.

Is a stet a conviction?

It’s important to understand that a stet is not a conviction. It’s an indefinite postponement of a criminal case for up to 3 years. A stet can be expunged after three years if (1) the case is not reopened and (2) the defendant is not convicted of a crime during that time period.

What is the opposite of Stet?


Does a stet show up on background check?

It might show up, even though it’s not a conviction. A big part of this depends on whether you were fingerprinted. If you weren’t fingerprinted, FBI may never have gotten the record to begin with.

What does Stet stand for in law?

let it stand

What is a stet in legal terms?

Stet. An indefinite postponement. No guilty verdict is entered, but the defendant may be asked to accept condition set down by the court. The defendant must waive his/her right to a speedy trial. A case on the stet docket may be re-opened at any time within one year if the conditions of the stet are violated.

What does other plea mean?

Other than for clerical purposes, it does not have a meaning. Nolle prosequi means that the state decided not to prosecute. The case did not get to the point of the defendant making a plea either guilty or not guilty…

What does conc mean in Maryland court?


What is nolle prosequi in Maryland?

When a nolle prosequi is entered in a case as to a criminal charge or serious traffic charge, it means that the State has decided not to prosecute that charge. In short, a nolle prosequi is the dismissal of a charge by the State.

Does nolle prossed mean not guilty?

Nolle prosequi is a Latin phrase meaning “will no longer prosecute” or a variation on the same. It amounts to a dismissal of charges by the prosecution. The prosecution invokes nolle prosequi or dismissal when it has decided to discontinue a prosecution or part of it.

Does a nolle prosequi go on a criminal record?

Yes, it’s a dismissal, you are not convicted & if you meet the criteria it can be expunged.

What does it mean when a case is nolle prosequi?

In a criminal case, the statement is an admission that the charges cannot be proved or that evidence has demonstrated either innocence or a fatal flaw in the prosecution’s claim. An entry of nolle prosequi may be made at any time after charges are brought and before a verdict is returned or a plea entered.

Can I get a job with a nolle prosequi?

If your record is not sealed/expunged they certainly can see it, and if they see it, can use it ‘against’ you. Each employer can choose to hire, or not hire based on criminal history, even if charges were dropped.

What is the difference between nolle prossed and dismissed?

Nolle prosequi means the case was not prosecuted by the Commonwealth and they can choose to bring the charge back under certain circumstances. Dismissal is done by the judge and it can be with or without prejudice, meaning the…

Can employers see dismissed charges?

In most cases, dismissals and not guilty verdicts will show on your criminal record. In many states, employers are not legally permitted to inquire about arrest records or hold them against job candidates. There is no similar law or trend for dismissals.

How long does a dismissed case stay on record?

Before the dismissal, your criminal record will show the conviction and the plea or verdict that was entered. More information might be displayed, depending on the type of background check. Typically, criminal convictions cannot be reported on consumer background checks after seven years, with a few exceptions.

Does dismissed mean not convicted?

A dismissed case means that a lawsuit is closed with no finding of guilt and no conviction for the defendant in a criminal case by a court of law. Even though the defendant was not convicted, a dismissed case does not prove that the defendant is factually innocent for the crime for which he or she was arrested.

Do I have to disclose dismissed charges?

For legal purposes, if your conviction is dismissed, it is as though you never committed the crime. Your record will be changed to reflect the dismissal, and you usually do not have to disclose that you were convicted—for example, when applying for a job.

Do dismissed tickets stay on record?

If the ticket is dismissed, no points will be put on your record and traffic ticket payment will be refunded. In general, we would usually recommend that you first try Trial by Written Declaration to see if you can get your ticket dismissed.

Do dropped charges stay on your record?

Yes. In the US, arrests and charges are public records. So, even if your charges are later dropped or dismissed, charges and arrests may still turn up on background checks. The good news: most employment background check services are looking only for convictions.

What does 3 underlines mean in editing?

Three lines under a lowercase letter mean to make it a capital. One line under a word means to set in italics. A series of strikethroughs means to remove underlining. A wavy line means to set in boldface. This mark means to close up space.

Why are proofreading marks important?

To be simply put, Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process, focusing on surface errors such as misspellings and mistakes in grammar and punctuation. Proofreading is important to ensure that there is not any: Grammatical error, Capitalization error, Numbering error. Spelling error.

What is an editor’s Mark called?

editor’s mark
Editor’s mark
Editor’s mark

What does 2 plus signs mean?

The symbol (+), as in 2 + 2 = 4, that is used to indicate addition or a positive quantity. The sign (+) indicating addition or positive quantity.

Who invented plus and minus?

Robert Recorde

What does a plus sign mean in texting?

Meaning: You’ve got it bad. If you use the plus sign in lieu of the word “and” or an ampersand, it’s your subconscious telling you that you really like the person. When couples carve their names into trees, they use a plus sign between them. “Laura + Mike.

What does ))) mean?

The meaning of ))) is a simple smile, like emoji. The amount of brackets depends on the mood and emotional conditions of the author. If he/she just appreciate a message, they can just put ) or )). If the message makes them laugh or feel crazy, they can add ))))))))))) or even ))))))))))))))))))))))))).

What does 4 dots mean in texting?

What does 4 dots in a text mean? It means “we’ll see, end of discussion for now.”

What does 5 dots mean?

These dots differ greatly from the previous tattoo — five dots represents time done in prison. Also known as the quincunx, the four dots on the outside represent four walls, with the fifth on the inside representing the prisoner. The dots are typically found on an inmate’s hand, between the thumb and forefinger.

Are ellipses flirty?

Many text messages read with more emotion when adding the ellipsis. Some people use them to indicate flirting, while others use them to show worry or sincerity. A phrase that changes drastically in meaning with the addition of an ellipsis is the simple phrase ‘hi’.

Are ellipses rude?

Yes, ellipsis just stuck at the end of a sentence, can be an implied rude or unprofessional comment. I quite often use ellipsis to indicate that I have deliberately left out something unimportant.

What does 3 periods mean in texting?


What does it mean when a girl puts 3 dots?


Why do adults use ellipses?

When used in casual conversation, ellipses connote hesitation, confusion, and apathy — they’re the most passive-aggressive of all the punctuation marks. Borenstein views ellipses as the perfect balance between the hard stop of a period and the excitement of the exclamation point.

Are there spaces before and after ellipses?

An ellipsis is a set of three periods ( . . . ) indicating an omission. Each period should have a single space on either side, except when adjacent to a quotation mark, in which case there should be no space.

Can you put a comma after an ellipsis?

No, you should not put a comma after an ellipsis. Use either the ellipsis by itself or the comma by itself. Wikipedia has an example of an ellipsis immediately followed by a comma, but this is abnormal in the context of writing dialogue.

What is the effect of using ellipses?

An ellipsis has different purposes and can be very useful in your writing. It can be used to show a word or words have been removed from a quote. It can create suspense by adding a pause before the end of the sentence.

How do you explain an ellipsis to a child?

An ellipsis is a type of punctuation mark. In writing, it is a row of three points (…). It is just three points; it is never acceptable to use two or four, even if one intends a shorter or longer pause.

What is an example of ellipsis?

Use an ellipsis to show an omission, or leaving out, of a word or words in a quote. Use ellipses to shorten the quote without changing the meaning. For example: “After school I went to her house, which was a few blocks away, and then came home.”

What is the purpose of brackets?

Brackets (parentheses) are punctuation marks used within a sentence to include information that is not essential to the main point. Information within parentheses is usually supplementary; were it removed, the meaning of the sentence would remain unchanged.