What does the suffix Centesis mean in medical terms?
What does the suffix Centesis mean in medical terms?
Filters. (medicine) Puncture and aspiration of. The doctor performed a pericardiocentesis to remove the excess fluid from around the patient’s heart. suffix.
What is the suffix of atherosclerosis?
What does the term arteriosclerosis mean? You could look this up in a medical dictionary or textbook but many words you come across will contain the roots arteri/o and scler and the suffix osis.
What is the prefix of acromegaly?
acromegalySuffix and its meaning: -megaly- enlargementPrefix and its meaning: ___________________________________________________Combining form and its meaning: acr/o- extremity; Highest pointMedical word definition: Hypersecretion of growth hormone during adulthood2.
What is the root word of appendectomy?
Appendectomy is formed by two words: appendec (Greek for appendix) and ectomy (Latin for removal of). Combining the two words together, appendectomy means to remove the appendix. In some cases the root word is followed by a suffix.
What’s the definition of Centesis?
Medical Definition of centesis : surgical puncture (as of a tumor or membrane) —usually used in compounds paracentesis thoracentesis.
What is the medical term for atherosclerosis?
Atherosclerosis is the build up of a waxy plaque on the inside of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis is often called arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis (from the Greek arteria, meaning artery) is a general term for hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis can occur in several forms, including atherosclerosis.
What is another name for acromegaly?
Overproduction of growth hormone causes excessive growth. In children, the condition is called gigantism. In adults, it is called acromegaly. Excessive growth hormone is almost always caused by a noncancerous (benign) pituitary tumor.
Why appendectomy is performed?
Why Is an Appendectomy Performed? An appendectomy is often done to remove the appendix when an infection has made it inflamed and swollen. This condition is known as appendicitis. The infection may occur when the opening of the appendix becomes clogged with bacteria and stool.
Which suffix means surgical crushing?
4 Suffix
-tome | instrument used to cut | dermatome |
-tomy | incision, cut into | laparotomy |
-tripsy | surgical crushing | cholecystolithotripsy |
-trophy | nourishment, development | hypertrophy |
Is Centesis a prefix or suffix?
cen·te·sis (sen-tē’sis), Puncture, especially when used as a suffix, as in paracentesis.
How do you use Centesis in a sentence?
Objective:To discuss the status , indication and operation methods through skin-lungs centesis in the treatment of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis . 12. Results:The color Doppler is much better than the dimensional ultrasound B in the centesis of kidney cysts.