Common questions

What does sufficiency mean?

What does sufficiency mean?

1 : sufficient means to meet one’s needs : competency also : a modest but adequate scale of living. 2 : the quality or state of being sufficient : adequacy.

What does sufficient mean in a sentence?

The definition of sufficient is enough or as much as is needed. An example of sufficient is when you have just enough food. adjective. 11.

What does all sufficient mean?

ALL-SUFFI’CIENT, a. Sufficient to every thing; infinitely able. ALL-SUFFI’CIENT, n. The all-sufficient Being; God.

What is the difference between enough and sufficient?

Enough (where the second syllable is pronounced as in puff or stuff) and sufficient are very similar semantically, meaning as much as is needed: I don’t have enough time to finish reading this report before the meeting. But I have sufficient information to know what the outcome should be.

What is an antonym of sufficient?

sufficient. Antonyms: inadequate, unequal, incompetent, unqualified, unadapted, insufficient, unsuited, meagre, bare, scanty, short, deficient. Synonyms: adequate, equal, competent, satisfactory, tit, qualified, adapted, suited, enough, ample.

What is the synonym of self sufficient?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self-sufficient, like: independent, confident, self-reliant, competent, efficient, needy, one-man, unable, incapable, dependent and self-contained.

What is the synonym and antonym of sufficient?

sufficient. Synonyms: adequate, equal, competent, satisfactory, tit, qualified, adapted, suited, enough, ample. Antonyms: inadequate, unequal, incompetent, unqualified, unadapted, insufficient, unsuited, meagre, bare, scanty, short, deficient.

What is the root word of sufficient?

Sufficient comes from a Latin verb meaning “to meet the need.” If something is sufficient it has met, or satisfied, a need. Enough is often used as a synonym for sufficient, and when something is not sufficient, it is too little to take care of what’s needed.

What’s another word for successful?

What is another word for successful?

lucrative profitable
prosperous halcyon
rich fortunate
happy triumphant
expanding doing well

What does Developed mean?

When something develops, it grows. And if you develop something, you create it. Your cold might develop into a rare disease, and you might just develop the vaccine to stop its spread. Develop is a verb that means to build up, grow, or improve gradually over time.

What kind of word is developed?

Let’s start with develop. Develop is a verb, or action word. It means to grow.

Which are the developing countries?

List of developing countries

  • Afghanistan.
  • Albania.
  • Algeria.
  • American Samoa.
  • Angola.
  • Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Argentina.
  • Armenia.

What is the root word of developed?

It replaced earlier English disvelop (1590s, from French desveloper); both French words are from Old French desveloper, desvoleper, desvoloper “unwrap, unfurl, unveil; reveal the meaning of, explain,” from des- “undo” (see dis-) + voloper “wrap up,” which is of uncertain origin, possibly Celtic or Germanic.

What is meant by underdevelopment?

Underdevelopment is low level of development characterized by low real per capita income, wide-spread poverty, lower level of literacy, low life expectancy and underutilisation of resources etc.

What is development simple words?

Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.

Is develop and create the same?

As nouns the difference between creation and development is that creation is (countable) something created such as an invention or artwork while development is (uncountable) the process of developing; growth, directed change.

What does Developed mean in reading?

verb (used without object) to be disclosed; become evident or manifest: The plot of the novel developed slowly.

What does develop writing mean?

In composition, development (also known as elaboration) is the process of adding informative and illustrative details to support the main idea in a paragraph or essay. Paragraphs and essays can be developed in many different ways.

How do you spell disappear?

Correct spelling for the English word “disappear” is [dˌɪsɐpˈi͡ə], [dˌɪsɐpˈi‍ə], [d_ˌɪ_s_ɐ_p_ˈiə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How you spell develop?

Correct spelling for the English word “develop” is [dɪvˈɛləp], [dɪvˈɛləp], [d_ɪ_v_ˈɛ_l_ə_p] (IPA phonetic alphabet).