What does shrewdly mean?

What does shrewdly mean?

1a : marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen shrewd common sense. b : given to wily and artful ways or dealing a shrewd operator. 2a : severe, hard a shrewd knock. b : sharp, piercing a shrewd wind. 3 archaic : mischievous.

What does shrewdly mean in the Bible?

It means. Astuteness or craftiness in dealings with others, especially in using one’s understanding and judgment to one’s own advantage.

What does it mean to deal shrewdly with someone?

shrewd in American English b. artful, cunning, wily, etc. in one’s dealings with others. 2. keen-witted, clever, or sharp in practical affairs; astute.

Is shrewd positive or negative?

Shrewd is similar to astute as both words are used to describe sound judgment and practical intelligence. Since shrewd has a negative connotation, it’s usually used to describe someone who is sharp and intelligent, but potentially underhanded at the same time.

How do you say failure nicely?


  1. breakdown.
  2. collapse.
  3. decline.
  4. deficiency.
  5. deterioration.
  6. failing.
  7. loss.
  8. misstep.

How do you use shrewd in a sentence?

Shrewd sentence example

  1. Julie gave Adrienne a shrewd look.
  2. He is a very shrewd and garrulous fellow.
  3. It is a shrewd criticism, but needs arguing out.

How do I become shrewd?


  1. Be clever, Always think a way round something. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0.
  2. Don’t give away secrets. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 2.
  3. Pretend to be innocent. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1.
  4. Be kind and sharp.
  5. Shrewd and sly men and women are all mentally strong people.
  6. Don’t be in the centre of the crowd, stay quiet and unnoticeable.

What does no savvy mean?

no savvy in British English I don’t (he doesn’t, etc) understand.

What does fashion savvy mean?

n. Informal a person who slavishly follows fashion. high fashion.

What does Sav mean in slang?

Filters. (UK, slang, informal) Short for savage (unpleasant or unfair).

What is a synonym for savvy?

SYNONYMS. shrewd, astute, sharp-witted, sharp, acute, intelligent, clever, canny, media-savvy, perceptive, perspicacious, sagacious, sage. informal on the ball, smart, streetwise.

What is the other word for smart?

What is another word for smart?

bright intelligent
genius keen
knowing knowledgeable
perceptive percipient
resourceful shrewd

What do you call a person who makes lists?

Filters. Someone who makes a list or lists.

What is a long list called?

Noun. Extensive list. catalogUS.