Common questions

What does realer mean?

What does realer mean?

Filters. Comparative form of real: more real. adjective.

Is realer a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, realer is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the meaning of Yesternight?

(Entry 1 of 2) archaic. : on the night last past. yesternight.

Is Yestermonth a word?

Last month; a few months ago.

What does yestermorrow mean?

Noun. yestermorrow (plural yestermorrows) A day in the sequence of days from past to future, emphasizing the connection between past and future events. A time outside of time; A time that cannot be fit into the normal timeline, possibly due to relativistic effects.

What is day before yesterday called?

Answer: The ‘day before yesterday’ is just ‘the day before yesterday’. There is no special word in English for the day that came before yesterday. We only have ‘today’, ‘tomorrow’, and ‘yesterday’. You COULD say ‘two days ago’.

How do we call the day after tomorrow?


Where does the word tomorrow come from?

Tomorrow comes from the Middle English, from the preposition to + morrow. Morrow, which is an archaic or literary word meaning “the following day,” comes from Middle English morwe, from Old English morgen.

What is the short way to say tomorrow?


What does offing mean?

1 : the part of the deep sea seen from the shore. 2 : the near or foreseeable future in the offing.

What is opposite today?

What is the opposite of today?

obsolete out of date
outmoded extinct
obscure old
dated defunct
deprecated obsolescent

What can I say instead of today?

What is another word for today?

nowadays currently
now presently
anymore right now
contemporarily these days
at present just now

What’s the opposite of morning?

What is the opposite of morning?

nightfall sundown
eventide crepuscule
eve evenfall
vespers evo
dark nighttime

What is the opposite of rises?

What is the opposite of rise?

decrease drop
ebb plummet
plunge recede
sink slide
slip slump