Common questions

What does pleasant looking mean?

What does pleasant looking mean?

1 giving or affording pleasure; enjoyable. 2 having pleasing or agreeable manners, appearance, habits, etc.

What is pleasant and attractive?

When used as adjectives, beautiful means attractive and possessing beauty, whereas pleasant means giving pleasure. Pleasant is also noun with the meaning: a wit. check bellow for the other definitions of Beautiful and Pleasant. Beautiful as an adjective: Attractive and possessing beauty.

What does a pleasant face mean?

A pleasing face has good features, complexion, expression, etc.; a pleasant face indicates a kind heart and an obliging disposition, as well as kindly feelings in actual exercise. See AGREEABLE, AMIABLE, ATTRACTIVE, COMFORTABLE, DELIGHTFUL, GOOD, VIVACIOUS.

What is visually pleasing?

11 letter answer(s) to visually pleasing PICTURESQUE. suggesting or suitable for a picture; pretty as a picture; “a picturesque village” strikingly expressive; “a picturesque description of the rainforest”

What’s a word for pleasing to the eye?

What is another word for pleasing to the eye?

decorative ornamental
adorning embellishing
fancy attractive
beautifying enhancing
pretty showy

How do you make something visually appealing?

Try using these tricks to make your content more visually appealing and reap the benefits we listed above:

  1. #1. Write shorter sentences.
  2. #2. Organize shorter paragraphs.
  3. #3. Use sub-headers.
  4. #4. List everything you can.
  5. #5. Play with bold and italics.
  6. #6. Rely on charts, graphs, and illustrations.
  7. #7.

How do you make something more appealing?


  1. decorate. verb. to make something look more attractive by putting nice things on it or in it.
  2. adorn. verb. to decorate something.
  3. enhance. verb. to improve something, or to make it more attractive or more valuable.
  4. embellish. verb.
  5. beautify. verb.
  6. ornament. verb.
  7. illuminate. verb.
  8. deck out. phrasal verb.

How do I create a visually appealing website?

Make it easy to use:

  1. Make your menu/site navigation prominent, and simple.
  2. Keep your content distinct from other elements, and easy to read.
  3. Make your buttons stand out. They’re where the action happens.
  4. Decide what is most important on any page, and then give it prominence.
  5. Don’t put too much on the same page/screen.

What is the synonym of appealing?

SYNONYMS. attractive, engaging, alluring, enchanting, captivating, bewitching, fascinating, winning, winsome, likeable, lovable, charming, delightful. beautiful, pretty, good-looking, prepossessing, striking, fetching, delectable, desirable. irresistible.

What is another word for nice looking?

What is another word for nice-looking?

attractive beautiful
lovely striking
handsome appealing
pretty pleasing
good-looking fair

What is appealing personality?

The adjective appealing describes someone who is able to attract interest or is easy to like. For example, your easy sense of humor and way of making people feel comfortable make you appealing to friends old and new.

What does Appealing mean?

1 : having appeal : pleasing an appealing design. 2 : marked by earnest entreaty : imploring the appealing look of an injured dog.

How do you say looking pretty?

Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

  1. You look gorgeous!
  2. You look as pretty as always!
  3. You look drop dead gorgeous!
  4. I think you are very attractive!
  5. Wow, you are gorgeous!
  6. I think you are stunning!
  7. I think you are super cute!
  8. You look absolutely fantastic!

How do you say someone is looking good?


  1. attractive.
  2. bonny.
  3. comely.
  4. easy on the eyes.
  5. fine-looking.
  6. good-looking.
  7. gorgeous.
  8. handsome.

What to say to make her feel special?

Here are 9 nice sweet things to say to a girl:

  • I wish you were a coin.
  • If my days started with a kiss from you then I would never drink coffee.
  • You brighten up my day every time I see you.
  • I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past.

How do you make someone feel special in words?

  1. 10 Simple Ways to Make Someone Feel Loved and Appreciated.
  2. Tell them how they inspire you to be a better person.
  3. Recognize the qualities you admire about them.
  4. Remind them of how you feel in their presence.
  5. Tell them how you appreciate their presence in your life.
  6. Thank them for their willingness to be authentic.