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What does parlayed mean?

What does parlayed mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to bet in a parlay. 2a : to exploit successfully He hoped to parlay his basketball skills into a college scholarship. b : to increase or otherwise transform into something of much greater value She parlayed $5,000 and years of hard work into a multimillion-dollar company.

What does parlay mean slang?

Parlay means to party and then lay up with someone afterwards at the same location.

What is another word for parlay?

What is another word for parlay?

gamble risk
wager lay down
bet stake
hazard chance
lay punt

How do you use Parlay in a sentence?

Parlay in a Sentence 🔉

  1. During March Madness, many gamblers parlay their earnings on the basketball teams that they think will win the tournament.
  2. Since my wife wouldn’t allow me to parlay my entire paycheck on the horse race, I put down as much as I could on my favorite horse.

What does Parlee mean?

intransitive verb. : to speak with another : confer specifically : to discuss terms with an enemy The government refused to parley with the rebels. parley. noun. plural parleys.

Why do pirates say parlay?

Parley. The term written as “parlay” on the Pirata Codex was known as a right in the Code of the Pirate Brethren, set down by Morgan and Bartholomew, that allowed any person to invoke temporary protection and brought before the captain to “negotiate” without being attacked until the parley is complete.

Is parley a real thing?

A parley (from French: parler – “to speak”) refers to a discussion or conference, especially one designed to end an argument or hostilities between two groups of people. The term can be used in both past and present tense; in present tense the term is referred to as parleying.

Is it parley or parlay?

As a noun, parley can mean “speech” or “conversation.” Its most common use is to mean speech between opposing sides, a conference with an enemy to discuss terms. As a verb it means “to discuss terms,” or “hold discussion with.” As a verb, parlay means “to use the winnings from a previous bet to make another bet.”

Why is it called a parlay?

It is an alteration of an earlier term, paroli, which came via French from the Italian parolo, which may be a derivative of the Italian paro, meaning “equal.” It might be derived from the Latin pār, which means “pair” (and is also the basis of the word pair). Say you win a bet. You could take your winnings and go home.

Where does the term parlay come from?

parlay (n.) 1701, parloi, a term in the card game faro involving applying money won to a continuing bet, from French paroli, from Italian parole (Neapolitan paroli) “words, promises,” plural of parolo (see parole (n.)). Verbal meaning “exploit to advantage” is by 1942.

How do you spell Parley?

noun, plural par·leys. a discussion or conference. an informal conference between enemies under a truce, especially to discuss terms, conditions of surrender, etc.

Is Parly a word?

PARLY is a valid scrabble word.

What is a Shnook?

slang. : a stupid or unimportant person : dolt.

How do you spell Shnookums?

A cloying term of endearment or address for one’s pet, child, or romantic partner. A variant spelling of “snookums.” Aw, shnookums! It’s OK to be scared!

Whats the meaning of sugarplum?

: a small candy in the shape of a ball or disk : sweetmeat.

What does Shmoopie mean?

Shmoop is sometimes used as a shortened form of shmoopie, a term of endearment (almost as degrading as honey-poo).

What is money line NFL?

Betting the moneyline for a game is possibly the most simple way to wager on sports. Bettors just choose a player or team to win. If the bettor chooses the winning side, the sportsbook will pay the amount due. The favorite team or player on the moneyline is the team that’s expected to win.

Is there a real pirate code?

According to Wikipedia, the pirate code is very real and not just a plot point from a Johnny Depp movie series. By definition, a pirate code is a code of conduct for buccaneers. In the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, Captain Jack Sparrow and his frenemies pledged allegiance to the Code of Pirate Brethren.

Did pirates sleep in hammocks?

Sometimes they had hammocks, other times they were on the floor. The preferred bed in a pirate ship was a hammock as it would rock and sway with the ship’s motions, providing for an easier night of sleep.