Common questions

What does OOC mean on Instagram?

What does OOC mean on Instagram?

Out of Context

What does OOC mean in business?

What does OOC stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
OOC Out of Country
OOC Office of the Chairman
OOC Out of Contract
OOC Other Operating Costs (financial management)

What does OCC mean in roleplay?

out of Character

What does OCS mean in text?

Other Cool Stuff

What drug is OCS?

Oral corticosteroids

What drug is a beam?

BEAM is the name of a combination of chemotherapy drugs that includes: B – Carmustine (BCNU) E – Etoposide. A – Cytarabine (Ara-C, cytosine arabinoside)

What does OCS mean in Royale high?

original character

How long is OCS?

Army Officer Candidate School (OCS) is a 12-week program which graduates commissioned officers in the United States Army.

Is Army OCS harder than basic?

Is Army OCS Physically harder than basic training? Army Officer Candidate School (OCS) is more challenging compared to Basic Combat Training (BCT). The Army purposely makes OCS more difficult compared to basic training.

Do you get paid for OCS?

Army OCS Candidates get paid as E-5’s. If you attend Army National Guard OCS, you get paid as an E-6, whether you attend one of the accelerated courses or the normal 14-16 months combination of Drill and AT periods.

Do you have to shave your head for OCS?

Any female candidate that arrives and suspects that she may be pregnant should notify OCS Medical staff immediately. Bras and hair related items. Female candidates are not required to cut their hair. However, hair must fit under headgear and not fall below the collar when in uniform.

Is OCS harder than boot camp?

OCS is harder physically, easier mentally. There are more expectations of you at OCS than at Boot Camp but you’re not punished nearly as harshly.

What rank do you get after OCS?


Can you bring your phone to OCS?

Are we authorized to bring cell phones? Candidates are authorized to have cellular phones while at OCS.

Which military branch is the highest paid?

the Marine Corps