Common questions

What does no recoil mean?

What does no recoil mean?

No Recoil is a hack in Combat Arms that makes the hacker’s guns have no recoil. It usually is combined with Chams or No Spread. No recoil stops the movement of thecrosshair , so recoil is not displayed on the screen.

What is no recoil in PUBG?

Best sensitivity settings for no recoil in PUBG Mobile ADS is also called Aim Down Sight in PUBG Mobile. These settings are helpful for players who control recoil by swiping their thumbs down on their smartphones. A player can customize these settings as per his personal preference to ensure no recoil in PUBG Mobile.

Why does Swagg have no recoil?

Infinity Ward CoD players like Swagg have claimed that Warzone’s FOV settings can affect recoil in-game. In his October 24 upload, Swagg revealed that having the “Affected FOV” setting enabled makes it seem as if the AMAX has little to no recoil.

Which gun in Warzone has no recoil?

Kilo 141

Which LMG has least recoil?

FiNN LMG (XRK Longshot Advantage) The lack of a headshot multiplier and stock 75 round magazine do limit the weapon to some extent. Despite these issues, the FiNN is an excellent weapon with essentially no recoil.

What is the best LMG in real life?

Bang: Meet the 5 Best Machine Guns on the Planet

  1. PKM. The PKM is one of the most common machine guns in the world.
  2. FN MAG 58 (M240) The FN MAG 58 has served in practically every military in the Western world, and has been built by almost every arms manufacturer as well.
  3. MG3 and variants.
  4. Vektor SS-77.
  5. IWI Negev NG7.

Is the Bruen still good 2021?

Activision / Infinity Ward The Bruen may not be meta, but it is still a great option. Nick’s Bruen loadout is tailored towards completely removing the gun’s recoil, while also enhancing its range potential. First up is the Monolithic Suppressor, which gives the Bruen increased damage range and sound suppression.

What is the fastest killing AR in warzone?

Groza. As one of the fastest firing assault rifles in Warzone, the Groza will win most 1v1 confrontations with ease.

What gun kills the fastest in Cold War?


Whats the best AR in warzone right now?

  • The best AR in Warzone. The best Assault Rifle in Warzone is the FFAR 1.
  • FFAR 1 – Best Assault Rifle in Warzone. If you haven’t tried it yet, the FFAR 1 is a monster at close range.
  • CR-56 AMAX. The CR-56 AMAX has had a surprising resurgence in Verdansk.
  • Grau 5.56.
  • M4A1.
  • Kilo 141.
  • AS VAL.
  • RAM-7.

Is the RAM 7 GOOD?

The Ram-7 actually beats the majority of weapons in its class when it comes to that crucial time-to-kill stat, falling short to a couple of conversion modded ARs. The main benefits with the Ram 7 are its fast rate of fire, decent damage, and controllable recoil.

What is the best ram-7 setup?

The best RAM-7 loadouts in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone

  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor. Barrel: FSS Ranger. Optic: Corp Combat Holo Scope.
  • Barrel: FTAC 13.5″ Compact. Laser: Tac Laser. Stock: XRK Close Quarters Stock.
  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor. Barrel: FSS Ranger. Optic: VLK 3.0x Optic.

What is the best MP7 class?

The best MP7 loadout for you

  • Barrel: FSS Recon.
  • Stock: FORGE TAC Ultralight.
  • Underbarrel: Ranger Foregrip.
  • Ammunition: 50 Rounds Mag.
  • Rear Grip: Stippled Grip Tape.

Does Gaming 2020 need 32GB RAM?

Answer: In 2021, every gaming configuration should have at least 8 GB of RAM. However, 16 GB is the perfect middle ground at the moment, so that’s much preferable. 32 GB might be a good idea if you want to make your build more future-proof or use any RAM-intensive software.

Why does game fps drop?

In some situations your CPU may slow down while you are playing a game. This can be caused by overheating, or it can be caused by attempts to conserve battery power. Sudden slowdowns – where the game is running fine and then the frame rate drops quite suddenly – are sometimes caused by these CPU slowdowns.

Are FPS drops normal?

It’s normal behaviour. If you need an explanation: Loading data from disk, loading data from main memory, CPU has not provided enough data to process frames since was busy with something else… there are many more reasons for this. As long as it’s just a FPS drops without freezes, you should not care.

Why is Parsec so laggy?

Parsec only adds one frame of lag + ping. If there’s a lot of lag, your client might not be keeping up with the frame rate. You can lower host resolution or add encoder_fps=30 to config file on host to lower lag.

Why is my FPS so low in Valorant?

The “Low Client FPS” error usually happens if you have some kind of a recording app running in the background, which also has its own overlay. It causes players to experience almost sluggish frame rates on the main menu of the game, and the error can also impact your in-game frames as well.